Club Soda Kenny is leaving. Who is going to drive Opie to work?

114  2017-04-26 by Dennyislife

I'm hoping its Paul Walker


Give'em the ol' Ryan Dunn, eh?

What a shame, I loved that guy. Ryan Dunn I mean.

He's dunn for

it was an inside job. Opie's philly crew was gunning for Bam

it was an inside job. Opie's philly crew was gunning for Bam

Very well done....... you cocksmoking queerbag

His car had a thermite paint job.

I hear Gloria Jones is available.

I think it's inappropriate to make this joke given that the new Furious movie is out this week. Please edit.

Alex Zanardi

Underrated reference.

Paul Walker can't, he's dead.

Oh literal WhiskeynPeanutbutter

He also wasn't driving the car, his friend was.

what happened?

They were all my friends, and they died!

dafuq you sendin out dat mug

Because GWAR covers that song in the video I linked at the end.

I was expecting the Jim Carroll band but I'm on board.

that's what I meant too but gwar covered it apparently

Is he going with the hambeast full time or just retiring?

Jim said he's been working with burr and amy recently but didn't say what he was leaving to go do.

But he's a straight white male, that's not very brave of either one of them.

Why the fuck is he in such demand when the only service he provides is "big guy who drives a car"

I think he was basically Jimmy's tour manager. Arranged travel, dealt with venue management.

Anymore info on that? Is it on good or bad terms?

The show has passed him by.

I bet that big amy $$$. Also, Jason Ellis probably doesn't want to spend the extra money to resign Kenny.

Mathew Mcconaughey is available

No, no, no, Paul walker and Ryan Dunn can't drive Opie to work.

James Dean.

Hopefully, any middle eastern named Mohammed who has burning hatred for fat breasted American men --- and is willing to meet Allah in the very immediate future.

maybe he'll dust-off the fagblades

I hope a cigarette butt gets stuck between the wheels and he falls into an open manhole.

Well that can be interpreted in a few ways

Gregg Tits fired kenny so he rollerblade to work to burn fat.

He'll take a cab like a normal yuman

I'm hoping Ryan Dunn will step in.

Kenny is going full circle, back to Dices entourage.

Was shamu in Dice's posse?

Stalker Patti and Lady Di can alternate days.

Henri Paul.

I hope he catches a ride with Vince McMahon and fahkin' blows the fuck up! tsst tsst

Dale Sr, Ayrton Senna...What other dead race car drivers we got!?


Roland Ratzenberger. Dan Wheldon. Colin McRae(even though that was a helicopter crash).

Corey Lidle


Dick Trickle

Unfortunate name, badass ending.

Opie dying in a car crash would be symbolic as fuck considering car crashes signify a lack of humor, in the O&A universe.

And also, his Dad

Geez, you're welcome


I found your mark

Can confilm.

im so glad when gold is given out on this sub and it isnt to you

Some cocksucker here gave me gold on a throwaway line about Vos being stupid. The only happiness I got from it was knowing Knickers didn't get it instead

I got ovel a yeal of gord reft. What you say now? Exactry.

Why does everyone have it in for this sweet asian man?

Maybe Hulk Hogan's son can drive him

also Opie refuses to drive because his father died behind the wheel

His father was in the back seat actually.


Hopefully a suicide bomber

He's going to car pool with Howard... but will need to sit behind the divider with Ronnie...

Ronnie will drag him down the road behind them in a little red wagon.

I cant believe Tit needs a driver, doesnt he live 2 blocks away from the Sirius building?

He needs a ride to go to his brothers crappy restaurant in the heart of Huntington Village

Maybe his dad can drive him.

That's an unfortunate suggestion because his dad actually perished in an automobile accident.

Cardiac event behind the wheel, the crash was a consequence of it.

He probably wasn't even allowed to be driving, but if he's anything like his son, he did anyways because he's special.

I thought that was the joke.


I heard he is taking a ride out to F.H. Rileys in a Vw Rabbit driven by Harry Chapin.

The only thing I ever liked that Kenny did was when he took that goddamn ukalele from that faggot pope bobo and beat him with it when he stood up like he was a celebrity and interrupted Ronnie B.

Imagine Howard, in the twilight of his career, becoming responsible for his personal transport to and fro the Sirius complex.

I'll drive him to work and drive straight into the UN compound shouting Allah Akbar...I'll take one for the team.

So I obviously have missed it because both shows suck my nuts....but doesn't Kenny typically travel with Norton and also Opie? Or did fart breath choose a side?

i laughed