Enjoy some bad habits with me

13  2017-04-26 by throwawizzlemahnizzl

All these threads about depression, suicide, and quitting drinking make me think you peckas want to be miserable. If you really feel that the game is rigged, go crack open a tall boy and do drugs till the sun goes down so you can't sleep till it goes down again. That's what they're for. And your buzz might get you to leave the house and meet some new people.

All this negativity... It's not good for the soul guys.


get right with the lord !

There is a chemical solution to any spiritual problem, praise his name.

Let go and let God

Is everything in divine order?

90% of the time, the solution to depression is diet and exercise.

It irritates me when it works. I always hope it won't work so I don't have to diet and exercise. But then I always start feeling good and that makes me feel bad.

Neurotic. You shouldn't feel bad about feeling good bubeleh, you deserve better than that.

But I hate doing what it takes to feel good. Feeling my bad is like a comforting blanket. So easy...

Me too actually, hence this thread. Substance abuse isn't good but it beats lying in bed being miserable IMO. Lesser of two evils and all that.

Plus, most people in here are lying I think. Anyone who has ever done heroine all day long wouldn't talk about how much it sucks. Because that shit is awesome. If the choice is a treadmill and the needle, that's a pretty damn easy decision. Plus my kids are always so hyper and loud but one little poke with that magic needle and they don't even ask for dinner.

bad parentin yuma

Going to the gym and eating better?

Oh Irish Jimmy

/u/bick_bickerson you should see this comment

You sure the answer isn't to spill your guts about your addiction on a Reddit sub for a dead radio show?

Ya know, this is all well and good, but where were YOU when Steve C needed this advice?

Getting high and shirking my responsibilities.