Hentai manga that appeals to Anthony 16/50[cruisin' for some relative pussy edition]

1  2017-04-26 by TheNigIsUp


Manga is called Having sex with a virgin on cruise ships

It follows a old man who takes his Girlfriend and her daughter on a cruise. But what will happen if mom isn't enough to satisfy this old man's lust?

Man, there is a whole world of cartoon pornography out there.

I'm almost as shocked as you. When I typed in cruise ship into the search bar on a hentai site I thought for sure I would get zero results, let alone a perfect Hentai for Anthony that involves a old man on cruise ship fucking a step relative.

Is Hentai one of those things you need an Asian fetish to enjoy, or can anybody get into it?

As a person with a terminal case of yellow fever so bad that I don't watch any Western tv/movies only anime, exclusively masturbate to Jap porn/hentai and listen to some kpop. I don't think I'm qualified to answer that.

Your parents must be so proud.

My mom is dead and I don't know my dad, so fuck em

And if​ you don't think these girls are hot as shit and this song catchy as fuck you should kill yourself.


Listen, I like a pretty Asian gal as much as the next guy.

You ever hear of Evelyn Lin?

Yes but she is Chinese which means she is scum and she does lewd photos which also means she is scum.

Oh so it's not just an Asian thing, it's a Japanese thing. Fascinating.

How old are you? Is this Pokemon's fault?

No, I love Jap, Korean, Thai, Taiwanese, Viet and other Asian women but 98% of China born Chinese are garbage people.

I just turned 24 and yes I loved Pokemon still have my cards and still play the first two generations of the game.

Let me guess (be honest): You had a bad experience with a Chinese girl.

Scenario 1: She turned you down for a date on OKCupid or during a college mixer.

Scenario 2: You had trouble negotiating a handjob from your local Miss Chang's Chinese massage palace

Nope, I have never been on a real "date" in my life and I don't even have a Facebook let alone a dating site profile.

I spent most of my year at 22 in Asia and the sentiment from all of the south east Asian countries and even "Chinese" places like Taiwan and Hong Kong is that mainland Chinese are garbage.

Imagine trying to have fun in a bar/brothel area or seeing a old Buddhist temple and a pack of literally 100 Chinese tourist on a tour group are blocking everything and throwing trash everywhere while a billion camera flashes go off.

The do seem like a bunch of boring tourist types, based on their taste in movies.

Independence Day sequel was a hit over there.

You're the proto-weeb

Pretty much. I even watch videos on learning Japanese but mostly because I am in love with this woman.


Great work!