How many of you are unhappy with life?

1  2017-04-26 by [deleted]



You ever wonder why the suicide rate is so high amongst white people?

its only higher because we still run the world. Theres more of us

Whites are 8% of the global population, dummy.

Yet you are always the mean ol' majority.

people blame jews for running shit ans theyre 5% fuck off faggot

You missed the point there, kike.

I don't plan on killing myself. I've never had it figured out so my post high school societal failure was only disappointing because all my retarded family and teachers saw big tings for me, I never had a plan for life.

Why would you ever wanna kill yourself? I made a little suicidal gesture at 15 and had a boo boo on my wrist but I was 15 and angsty. After enough shitty stuff happens it doesn't matter anymore. Friends left, no gf, menial jobs, substance use, nothing to look forward to, kill yourself? That's like putting a cherry on top of the shit pie someone else baked for you. What can the fuck can they do to me, freaky deaky!

You're going the kill yourself slowly route...

people blame jews for running shit ans theyre 5% fuck off faggot