Bill Nye never had any pull in the scientific community so he's just evolving his views to pander to the millennials who are nostalgic for his shitty show

100  2017-04-26 by Single_Action_Army

This man is just a glorified Elmo desperately trying to remain relevant. Hope he sticks his head in a model volcano.


Did he ever pretend to have pull in the scientific community? Has anybody ever tried to pretend that Bill is a legitimate scientist? He's a guy who made a career talking about science, which literally anybody can do.

Yes, he's passing himself off as an authority on the topic. It's sickening.

How is he doing that?

Like OP said, appealing to scientifically illiterate millennials who are nostalgic for his shitty TV show.

Millennials like the IDEA of science, but they don't really know anything about it. And of course they abandon it the moment it contradicts their feelings.

But how is he actually doing that though? Other than calling himself the science guy? You dont actually need a degree to talk about science. Its just a set of principles and guidelines. When has Bill pretended to have clout in any major scientific field? As far as I know, he just presents scientific topics.

He wears a lab coat and a bow tie, and implies through his speech that he is an authority. He technically refers to himself as a "science advocate" which is fine but is very careful to distract people from the fact the his is not himself a scientist.

Im just saying that I think this argument is off the mark. I dont think anyone actually believes he is an authority on any topic.

He's often brought in on CNN and MSNBC panels to debate things like climate change. So he's being given a platform that one would expect to be reserved for authorities on the issue.

Well that's because he's a celebrity and he's easy to book. He gives them ratings because the Millennials love to watch him.

How many more questions are you going to ask, retard? How about you rest all your concerns and watch the show with the "smart" man in a bow tie and white lab coat, you pillow-biting sack of shit.

I don't give a shit about Bill. I just don't like spergs coming up with false narratives to defend the autistic rage.

the guy has just seen a bunch of articles praising Bill and hates anything that gets praise, especially from 'leftist websites'. leave him be he'll a miserable fuckwit

You're wrong, though. You're 100% wrong on this. He started a show called "Bill Nye Saves the World." His brand is "Bill Nye the Science Guy" and he uses it as often as possible. This is on his website. So is this. If you can't see how he is trying to bill and brand himself as a science authority you are an irritating homosexual.

"He wears a lab coat and a bow tie" - Shut this thread down. Reasoning doesn't get funnier than this.

What exactly has contradicted their feelings and opinions? I'm a little confused at the stance being taken here. Sure, he's not a PhD level researcher but he has a pretty good understanding of the scientific method and is using his popularity to promote how science really works (which many of the opponents of science don't understand) and to show, in pretty much layman's terms, how studies have proven/supported the many ideas in dispute right now. It's mind boggling that with all this evidence, people STILL think homeopathy is a legitimate form of treatment or that vaccines give you autism and that the global events with climate are not being accelerated due to human interference.

The major issue where science seems to take a backseat to feelings is the issue of transexuals. All science indiciates that there are two biological sexes, but that's not in line with the current leftist concept of gender/sex on a spectrum.

Yeah I see what you're saying. Strictly speaking, there are two genders - male and female, at least as far as mammals go. Some animals are asexual and can simply reproduce without a second party (Hydra, for example).

The idea of transgender or transsexuality is more of a psychological construct and less of a chromosomal/DNA issue. I can't imagine how being a transgender improves your ability to reproduce, which is ultimately the biological role of any living being.

Yeah, Kinda like how conservatives like to disown the entire medical community and the whole of psychology the moment it hurts their feelings when they realize that a handful of people might use the correct bathroom. So rather than acknowledge science, they throw a tantrum and vote to defund scientific institutions.

Sure, why not?

Hey, it's your strategy, not mine. I actually listen to scientists instead of angry, over-grown children on troll internet boards.

Only 2 genders sweetie...

Have fun with that while we liberals change your society right before your faggot eyes.

Yet here we are with a white supremacist in the White House. You're fag culture side is the one that's fucked.

Just a 4 year roadblock for our agenda. Having this dumbfuck run things for a while will push people back to the left.

More like eight. If you're lucky. And assuming you aren't all dead. Face it, we've won. White People ALWAYS win.

Definitely not 8

LOL! Oh shit it's the badass liberal faggot who's side literally just lost the presidential election(and congress) to a reality TV star buffoon. Have fun with the new white and privileged far-right Supreme Court justice!

Talk to me when the right actually accomplishes something. Everything your retard in Chief tries to do gets smacked down. You can't fight progress. We always win in the end

Yea I would like to see that actually

correct bathroom


Liberals are the only people on the planet who think trannies are an issue, conservatives are reacting to how it's being shoved down their throats and forcing everyone in the world to have an opinion on it and make it law. People started classifying "that's weird" as hate speech, now you flip it around and act like Mean Old Republicans are somehow against the medical community?

No, actually, conservatives are the ones that made it an issue in the first place. Liberals never had a problem with trannies using the bathroom of their choice - that was you people who had a fucking tantrum over it. So, because you guys couldn't behave yourselves like civilized human beings, we're shoving it down your throat. Your opinions have no merit, and no matter how hard you try to fight it, you'll be forced to do things our way, and once it gets codified into law you'll be thrown into jail if you try to resist it. You people are what brought us to this place. Maybe try acting like grown ups next time and we won't have to beat you into submission via the law.

The tolerant left: "Your opinions have no merit, and no matter how hard you try to fight it, you'll be forced to do things our way, and once it gets codified into law you'll be thrown into jail if you try to resist it."

Yeah, exactly. We don't tolerate conservative horseshit. We stomp it out. We use force to get shit done correctly.

Your attitude is the reason that Democrats keep losing.

"We use force to get shit done correctly."

That last word is the key; the smug self righteousness of the left in 2017.

And before you call me a "conservative", I'm a lifelong Democrat. But I abandoned the party because it's been overrun by people that refuse to entertain any dissent. It's unreal.

And yes, I DO think that climate change is real. But I'll keep voting red until the Democrat party fixes their shit.

That last word is the key; the smug self righteousness of the left in 2017.

I agree - I think the left should be less smug and more violent. I want most guns banned, but I think liberals should start arming themselves while they're still legal in case we need to start killing some of you.

Keeping to voting red out of weird protest is stupid if you don't agree with what that platform stands for (I'm assuming you don't agree with a lot of it if you really are a lifelong Democrat). If you want to protest vote, just do third party like a lot of other people did last year.

But yes, absolutely. The left is too fucking smug for their own good, and it's ruining them from within. The have many, many good things to focus on. They are pretty good at running the economy. They have great restraint on what they choose to enact as law (not stances but law). They are terrific with climate change, technological advancement, education, all that. But goddammit is the base a bunch of pussy assholes who instead decide to focus on bullshit social issues instead of the shit that matters to everyone and we can all agree matters. We might not agree on how to address it, but we can at least agree that the economy is fucking important. Not only that, but if they took the approach of focusing on core, non-social values, the current backlash against the left wouldn't be a fucking thing. Conservatives call the left a bunch of pussies who care more about what the word "gender" means than addressing social security? They're fucking right. Does that make them eighth about economic issues, or how to address our mandatory/discretionary budgets? Absolutely not. But that "anti-smug" shit is enough to get people to vote.

I agree with every last word that you said.

But I'm not voting third party because that's just a waste of a vote.

To quote you, the Democrat party can have my vote when it stops being "the base a bunch of pussy assholes who instead decide to focus on bullshit social issues instead of the shit that matters to everyone and we can all agree matters."

Eh, agree to disagree. Provided I don't agree with a party's foundational platforms as much as I do with the Republican Party, I'd much rather vote third than have that weigh on me. A vote is never wasted. A LOT of those third party votes last year would have gone Democrat in other years, and they know it. Will it change their party? I have no idea, but then again, I don't even know if having "WWE Hall of Famer" Donald Trump in office will change them either.

lol look gang, it's the "liberals are actually tough badasses" guy.

Look who is the aggressor in all of these violent protester clashes. Liberals know how to get shit done and stomp shit out.

Liberals started shit because Conservatives were still concerned about being seen as the bad guys. I can't wait until faggots like you come up against a bunch of Republicans carrying rifles and all you have is your Home Depot knick knacks. The "aggressors" in these clashes are Liberals are the same ones saying "fuck the police" and when they get their asses kicked they go running to the police. You people also have the odd tendency of putting all your women on the front lines with the guys at the back, which is just hilarious for the rest of us.

I can't wait until faggots like you come up against a bunch of Republicans carrying rifles and all you have is your Home Depot knick knacks.

I agree. Liberals need to start strapping up so we'll be able to kill conservatives more effectively when the time comes.

You people also have the odd tendency of putting all your women on the front lines with the guys at the back, which is just hilarious for the rest of us.

Similarly, I notice that Republicans have a tendency to beat women and celebrate it. It's more disturbing than funny, though, and is another reason you people need to be put down like dogs.

Similarly, I notice that Republicans have a tendency to beat women and celebrate it.

Because you gas your women up into thinking they can beat up dudes. It's fucking crazy, you're like the dirty Palestinians when they build their bases in schools and orphanages and use weaker people as shields so you can fight a PR war. Every week or so it's some new level of faggotry.

It's so strange how psychos like you keep reinventing the rules. You convince women that they are equal in every single way and then call reality bigoted. That's the core psychosis you all have, reality itself is the problem. I guess that's why you still think Marxism can still work, you just need more violence and communes.

I agree. Liberals need to start strapping up so we'll be able to kill conservatives more effectively when the time comes.

lol good luck, you already got your asses beat at berkley and suffered the most humiliating defeat in front of the entire nation. can't wait till you corral a bunch of anemic queens to show up holding their AKs like they think black people do and just break their wrists.

No liberal has said that women can beat up dudes. I mean, Amanda Nunez could probably beat up the average dude, but that's an exception. Also, not even saying that braid woman shouldn't have been hit - I just find it amusing how excited the right wing was that they got to brutally hit a woman and get away with it. It was like it gave you all boners. You're a bunch of sick fucks, especially for people who claim to stand up for "traditional values", one of which might be "don't hit women".

Also, I'm not a Marxist, I'm a liberal.

you already got your asses beat at berkley

Yeah, liberals lost a fight for once. It doesn't stop liberals from beating the shit out of republicans at every other faggoty little rally you people throw.

No liberal has said that women can beat up dudes.

It's interesting how you say that now and not when I brought it up, and your only defense is "nobody said they should." Yeah, but they do. That was the point I was making. You put your women in the front of your masked tantrum-fests and cry when they get hurt.

I just find it amusing how excited the right wing was that they got to brutally hit a woman and get away with it. It was like it gave you all boners.

You see everyone, this is what we call "projecting." These are also the same people who got all uppity about Hillary not being worshiped as a woman and mother but called Sarah Palin a dumb bitch whore.

It doesn't stop liberals from beating the shit out of republicans at every other faggoty little rally you people throw.

I just can't get over how funny this is, you look at the fags on the ANTIFA side and they look like Billy Corgan in drag. Liberals are out there throwing glitter around and using Harry Potter references for their signs, beating on drums and wearing pink stockings, hiding behind women with moldy dreadlocks using Home Depot shit as weapons, but now you're these epic badasses. The side obsessed with gun control and tranny turds and feminism are now Sons of Anarchy lol

Don't worry; it's a fad.

No, no one says women can beat up dudes just as well.

You put your women in the front of your masked tantrum-fests and cry when they get hurt.

No we don't, a dumb woman ran to the front lines and a literal Nazi punched her and you celebrated it, and even made a meme out of it.

These are also the same people who got all uppity about Hillary not being worshiped as a woman and mother

I don't know who said that, either.

you look at the fags on the ANTIFA side and they look like Billy Corgan in drag.

I like how the argument does a 180 whenever its convenient for the right. Are left wingers a bunch of billy corgan in drag fags, or is antifa a dangerous terrorist organization? It all depends on what's convenient at the time.

No we don't, a dumb woman ran to the front lines and a literal Nazi punched her and you celebrated it, and even made a meme out of it.

I assume you haven't actually watched the videos or attended a protest yourself. Here's the thing, you people do it. All the time. The fact that you don't know this just confirms my suspicions that you don't really know what's going on here, you just hate Republicans and think it has something to do with church (?)

Are left wingers a bunch of billy corgan in drag fags, or is antifa a dangerous terrorist organization?

It's both. They're a bunch of whiny fags who want to destroy property and disrupt society and make people afraid of them. Your mind seems incapable of comprehending that you can be both at once. Here's an example: a retarded terrorist who blows himself up by accident is still a terrorist. I mean ANTIFA literally says "become ungovernable." They stand in opposition to the government and society, and they use violence and threats as their means of communication. Understand?

Okay that's actually fair, other than that the left intentionally pushes women to the front lines. That's just horseshit. I'd agree left wing women are more likely to be violent than right wing women, but there's no one intentionally putting them in harms way specifically at a protest clash.

No, actually, conservatives are the ones that made it an issue in the first place. Liberals never had a problem with trannies using the bathroom of their choice

Nobody did. Where did trannies take a shit prior to last year? Because it only became a big headline issue last year. How did they manage to survive? What actually happened was Liberals took this up as a cause to champion and tried to etch all sorts of odd shit into not only the laws but also the culture. Liberals screamed "you must have an opinion on this" and like everything they fucking do, the population said "it's kinda weird and doesn't seem thought out at all." So then Liberals called all those people transphobic bigots and now here we are, a fine fucking mess and people like you trying to convince us Conservatives started it. Kiss the end of a shotgun.

Where did trannies take a shit prior to last year?

In the bathroom that they chose. Conservatives started this whole thing by telling them which bathroom they had to use because they're terrified by people who are different from them. That's why we're now going the legal route, and when it's illegal to discriminate in that way conservatives WILL be thrown in jail (and hopefully executed) for trying to stop it.

In the bathroom that they chose. Conservatives started this whole thing by telling them which bathroom they had to use

That is the exact opposite of what happened. Trannies pissed and shit where they thought they could get away with it, and that's how it was. Then they started saying that anyone who "identifies" as a woman should be able to, which means men with penises and beards. This is who the liberals championed. Liberals said "you need to let these men into the women's washrooms" and everyone said "no thank you." That is what happened. That is how this whole thing started. No Republican came out and said "now we need to talk about transgender people." They're like 0.5% of the population, and they are being used as pawns by Liberals.

Everything would still be just fine if people like you didn't demand that men be able to use women's changerooms. Prior to this those weirdos didn't have retarded activists backing them and accusing the entire country of omg LITERALLY killing trans folk

Actually, no, that's not what happened. Trannies were already using the bathroom of their choice, and conservatives started complaining about it and stopping them from doing it. If you had just shut the fuck up and known your place from the beginning, this wouldn't be an issue. Conservatives are babies that want their bottles, though, so now we have to smack you people down legally.

rannies were already using the bathroom of their choice, and conservatives started complaining about it and stopping them from doing it.

Okay so where was the Republican motion on this? Because in your version of history, Conservatives just one day woke up and decided that Trannies were a problem with absolutely no instigation at all. So who was responsible for that?

If you had just shut the fuck up and known your place from the beginning, this wouldn't be an issue.

Seriously, is this some weird trolling attempt or are you really trying to be a liberal tough guy threatening to send everyone to jail and beat them up, but then also pretend like Liberals are the calm nice easygoing side?

Okay so where was the Republican motion on this?

They made it an issue. The liberals passing laws to allow it was a direct response to Republican provocateurs.

I mean I really don't understand this "know your place" thing, what place is that?

Your place is on the outskirts of society or your church. Your opinions are worthless and your arguments are pointless. It should be treated the same way we treat Scientologists - just let them have their dumb little thing in their shitty corner of Florida.

They made it an issue.

Who? Don't say "they." Who was it? Was it Rush Limbaugh? Was it Hannity? Cause I can point to at least a dozen liberal trans activists who started this whole shitshow, but in your world those people don't exist. Who was the provocateur who just one day started saying trannies are a problem?

For anyone reading this who isn't a raving liberal retard, here's how it really started:

As with everything wrong in society, it started in schools. It started with trans activists looking for gender neutral washrooms and demanding money for them. Then it grew into laws about using "gender neutral" language for single-occupancy washrooms. Nobody really gave a shit, it only became an issue when similar activists started campaigning to use whatever washrooms they like. Then it became trannies suing people, protesting, starting fights, and generally making it everyone else's problem.

And of course, similar responses:

That's when everyone started saying "let's make a law against this because this is ridiculous." Now you know what actually happened. It wasn't that Republicans just one day decided that 0.5% of the population was an issue that everyone needs to talk about. As with all Liberal problems, it started with a handful of histrionic teens and 20-somethings who want to be Rosa Parks. They forced everyone to have an opinion, now they're crying that people don't share their opinion.

Your place is on the outskirts of society or your church.

"It's just another attempt to marginalize normal people."

β€œI was getting to school at 8:00 in the morning and feeling the urge to go to the bathroom then. I would have to wait until 4:00 PM, or suck it up and deal with the harassment. It was ridiculous. I don’t want the same thing happening to another student,”

From the article you posted . That is, people who hate trans people were harassing them in the bathroom which sparked a campaign for a gender neutral bathroom. Which students were tormenting him/her? Was it the lovey dovey left wing students? I wonder.

The second article was about a lawsuit in response to a school not letting him use the bathroom he wanted. If the school had behaved itself and let him shit in the boys room he wouldnt have had to resort to a lawsuit. Again, we're now using the law to put you pieces of shit in your place.

The third article proves my point. The school was letting trans people shit where they wanted, and a conservative sued them. Now people are fighting back and shutting your horseshit down.

"It's just another attempt to marginalize normal people."

Actually, normal people don't really give a fuck where trans people take shits, other than that we should allow them to shit where they want. It's your side who made it an issue, and eventually now, because of you, there will probably be federal rules about it. Once that's set up, like I originally said, if some Christian piece of human shit tries to resist it, he will be jailed.

From the article you posted . That is, people who hate trans people were harassing them in the bathroom which sparked a campaign for a gender neutral bathroom. Which students were tormenting him/her? Was it the lovey dovey left wing students? I wonder.

I don't know why you are trying to argue the point, in my post I said them campaigning for gender neutral bathrooms was generally a non issue and nobody gave a shit. I am not arguing against it. You are blinded by some script you have running in your head and want to just assume I am against it and as a result you're not even reading my shit properly.

The second article was about a lawsuit in response to a school not letting him use the bathroom he wanted. If the school had behaved itself and let him shit in the boys room he wouldnt have had to resort to a lawsuit. Again, we're now using the law to put you pieces of shit in your place.

Something I've noticed in your comments is that you actually believe you are in the majority. You think it is some sort of fringe minority that is against this, when in fact it is sweeping public opinion and an overwhelming majority of society that does not want this. This is the ultimate toxicity of the modern Liberal mindset as it veers towards collectivism and Marxism and it's how every single Communist revolution happened: you are the fringe minority and you just keep talking about putting people in their placer and hurting them and pushing them out of society. This is why you will never win. I'm not really trying to convince you that, I'm just putting that seed in your head so that years down the road when absolutely nothing changes you'll remember that I was right. You are not part of some sexual revolution.

The third article proves my point. The school was letting trans people shit where they wanted, and a conservative sued them.

But in your previous comment you said it was a righteous lawsuit to take it out on everyone else and put us all in our place, but when someone does it back to you it's some sort of corrupt bullying tactic. It's just funny watching you go back and forth about this, even when people do the exact same things you do, it's somehow worse.

normal people don't really give a fuck where trans people take shits, other than that we should allow them to shit where they want

That is exactly my point. I said that repeatedly. The problem is liberals like you forcing people to care and have an opinion, and when asked if they think a man who feels like a woman ought to use a women's changeroom most people say no. This has happened repeatedly. This is what the news is about.

Your revolution is failing. You are not the majority. You are the fringe minority. If you try to use violence to get your way, you will lose and you will die. You are not a hero because you want to allow men into a woman's changeroom. You strike me as a very disturbed and sick person.

I didn't say I was the majority - I said I was on the right side of history, and that the issue will inevitably be settled our way. People in favor of ending segregation were a fringe minority at one point too, and they ended it. People wanting gay marriage were a fringe minority at one point, and now it's legal nation wide. People who wanted weed legalized were on the fringe - now it's happening all over the country. People who fight against the rights of others always end up losing in the long wrong. You aren't brave for making yourself part of an anti progress movement. You don't stand for traditional values - you stand for a bunch of terrified old fucks who are afraid of change. This is why conservatives always eventually lose - the only people who end up still believing your horse shit eventually die off and the country does away with your nonsense policies. I understand your frustration, because this is how it always happens, but you aren't some freedom fighter, you're just a roadblock.

Actually, that "liberals are the only people on the planet who think trannies are an issue" is not entirely accurate. The North Carolina bill is pretty pre-emptive, or at least more pre-emptive than reactionary to any specific incident. There was a palpable fear that dudes wearing dresses would go into women's bathrooms and perv on peoples' daughters. Not based on a plethora of data or stats, just an icky intuition. Most the citizens in the state don't even give a fuck about it because it's such a shitty ticky tacky thing to have as official state-sponsored legislation, but now it's become enough of an issue for the state to threaten to cut off state funds to the state schools (UNC, NC State, etc) for publicly voicing their disdain for the bill along with the NCAA.

What caused that intuition? As I recall, with that bill - like all bills or laws or anything the government does - is reactionary to the people and typically the culture and it was the national conversation at the time forcing people to give a shit and respond in one way or another.

Sort of, but kind of not? There was conversation about trans rights all that beforehand, but that was mostly, like, universities and that level. It was really the "bathroom bill" that spurred the national bullshit conversation about trannies.

The actual cause of the bill was the passing of a city ordinance in Charlotte that forbid discrimination based on sexual orientation/gender identity to city workers, etc, like many cities in America have currently.

Then the NC house and the governor took issue with it, and ran a bill through their house based on that. There was no public outcry, it was just a thing they did. Shoe-horned into that (Ant does hate his shoe-horns), was a bunch of other nonsense that would be more controversial, like banning cities from enacting regulations in regards to: child labor, anti-discrimination on other stuff not related to trannies, local minimum wages. And that's when people started the backlash because they tacked on bullshit into a bill very few gave a single fuck about.

Seriously, look back on the "mainstream culture." Trannies weren't a common subject when you talked to people on the street. Even autist places like Reddit weren't really talking about it in the main subs. Because there wasn't a single lightning rod issue to rally for/against. But, you're right. After the bill, that's when everyone had to take an opinion on it, and the left systematically failed to engender (GET IT) themselves to the public at large who, until then, didn't care about the issue. Hell, a lot of people probably don't even know the shit was REPEALED last month.


Amen brother. You know weeaboos? Obsessed wth the "idea" of Japan because of anime and all that shit, but the instant you confront them with the truth about how Japan operates, or require them to actually put in the work to learn the language, they get all pissy and refuse to listen. It's astounding.

I actually like this analogy.

You're a good egg.

He has a show called Bill Nye Saves the World. He thinks he has some kind of legitimacy.

I assumed he was a scientist my entire life. I didn't know he was a mechanical engineer. My dad is a mechanical engineer. When people ask me what my dad does for a living, I don't go "he's a science guy".

Bill Nye The Science Goy

Please let Neil deGrasse Tyson be the next one to fall. These self-promoting personality cults aren't doing science any favors.

I actually like tyson, apart from science and space shit, he seems like a cool dude to chill with. Like my black friend from highschool, nerdy af but cool af hes ok in my book

If you pay money to see him talk about science he does a 2 hour panel discussion about why trump is ruining science...

so what? Idc about his politics

That's my point... if you pay 100 bucks for a ticket to see somebody talk about science, they should actually talk about science.

I never paid to see him talk. Im talking about just hanging out at a bar with him just bullshitting, he seems like a cool guy

i bet he would be really stupid and annoying

What's next? If I pay somebody $100 to see them perform comedy, should I be upset if they chose to talk about politics instead?

I agree, Tyson seems like a really cool guy (and unlike Nye, he's a real scientist). My only complaint about him is that, like a lot of people since the U.S. election, he seems to have been afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Try to talk to him about scientific topics and he inevitably veers off into how the future of science is in danger because we didn't elect Hillary Clinton - because Trump sending out a stupid tweet is equivalent to Galileo being condemned by the Inquisition, or something.

Trump Derangement Syndrome


That's not why the scientific community, or at least the ones who rely on public funding via research grants and all that, are freaking out. The big things are funding and what the regulations and limitations the Right puts on what we can do work on. I've talked to professors who've been there for 30+ years, and it's a well known fact that funding for their labs went down under the Bush years, and it's their fear that those mandates and funding issues may return at greater force under an administration that probably believes the private sector can do all of that much better (it can't, but that's another issue).

Then again, not like most of those assholes that were at those marches would know much about all that. They just want to go to a "fun party" and talk about Rick and Morty and Big Bang Theory.

That's a really good point. Please pm me for some pertinent information on that.

He is a science communicator. He cares about science and tries to educate/entertain people and bring them into certain topics.

I don't enjoy listening to neil tyson or bill because they keep things very light and it becomes fairly repetitive but they care and are trying.

Which science communicators do you think should be given more time over them? Keep in mind their target demo is kids/teenagers...

Sir, your rationality isn't welcome here

Keep in mind their target demo is kids

More songs about power bottoms then.

Gender fluidity is not science and should not be presented as such. It's made up political fuckary and he's ramming it down peoples, kids throats. It's despicable.

Ya'll don't have to watch.

I didn't

What are you crying about then?

I'm not crying. I'm simply pointing out that Bill Nye is a pud tugger.

Fair enough. Carry on.

I guess medicine and psychology isn't science.

I don't want my kids listening to either one of these faggots. It's my responsibility to fill their heads full of bullshit.

Then he should have experts on and facilitate making them fun and interesting. Since he doesn't know more about the topic than any other enthusiast he should attempt to be an authority on it, unless he's willing to carve out a very specific niche. Additionally, it seems like the guests he does have on are his own writers and comedians and actors, the absolute last people on the planet that should be involved in this. If you have to have them on, use them as props or something like when Norm Macdonald was fucking with Gordon Ramsay when they were on one talk show together. But as it stands right now he's about as qualified as Adam Carolla to talk about anything above the absolute basics directed to children.

Everything you say is true.

But on top of all that, it's just not entertaining. I slogged through the first episode yesterday, and it just wasn't good.

Netflix and Amazon seem to be hell-bent on brainwashing their viewers and it's getting old. Every time I turn on the TV there's a D-list celebrity telling me what to think.

It's a shame since initially it seemed like original programming from streaming services was naturally more in touch with younger viewers than the dying corpse of cable TV.

But the Rachel Bloom performance, the ice cream sketch, and basically what I've seen of the show in general is HRC-level out of touch in its attempt to seem "hip."

It totally comes across as indoctrination. There aren't experiments, there are skits. There aren't explanations, there's lecture comedy bits. There aren't any cool animations explaining how the world works, there's ice cream cones talking about having a pansexual orgy. The problem is in the title: it's proof that this is just the jewel in a mighty crown of shit this man has created for himself, where now he is the star and he is the main attraction.

Do you have kids? If you think Netflix is heavy-handed, you should see what our kids have to put up with:

1) recently our kids had to write a letter to their senator. As you can imagine, the teacher surveyed the class to find out what people were going to write about, and there was lots of judging involved.

2) One of our kids is in a choir. Instead of singing for their parents or classmates, they were recently bussed a hundred miles away to sing at a courthouse.

I grew up in a Catholic school, and we suffered through this type of indoctrination because it was literally a religious school. But the idea that a plain ol' public school is now indoctrinating teenagers in liberal dogma scares the shit out of me... And I'm a liberal! It's the thing about the Democrat party that has me voting Red, I love liberal ideas but I hate brainwashing. Freedom of choice is more important to me.

Instead of singing for their parents or classmates, they were recently bussed a hundred miles away to sing at a courthouse.

How is this indoctrination? It just sounds like a pain in the ass.

It's a faux-protest. They can't come right out and give them protest signs, but they can bus them to a courthouse and have them sing politically themed hymns. If they were attending a liberal arts college it would be expected, but this is a public junior high school. The public schools are united in their love of the left.

That's not unique to netflix and amazon. Pretty much all entertainment sucks.

Have you actually seen the new Nye show? It's very far from what you would expect. It's not just shallow pop science shit to get kids interested in it like Cosmos for example, it's something completely different. There's extreme left social bullshit being shoved down your throat every 5 seconds and "wink wink fuck whitey" undertones.

It's heavy handed Marxism.

I liked Bill Nye when he was just a guy trying to teach basic scientific concepts to kids in a fun way (although for sheer entertainment value I preferred Beakman's World). Now he is using the public's perception of him as a "man of science" to push a political agenda, lending an air of legitimacy to the latest social justice fads by pretending they are in any way "scientific". I have lost all respect for him.

(although for sheer entertainment value I preferred Beakman's World)

I've read that Beakman is openly gay and really big into smoking weed and doing pills. He's also hugely popular in Latin America and often does live shows there. So he's basically infinitely cooler than Woke Bae Bill Nye.

I met Paul Zaloom (the actor who plays Beakman) around ten years ago, and attended a found-object puppet play he wrote and performed. He is gay, and (based on my brief interaction with him) seemed like a cool guy. He also gets political in his performances, but he is genuinely creative and funny, so it doesn't bother me.

What does this have to do with insulting Opie or promoting Rich Vos?

Sam Roberts denies the holocaust.

The worst part is he is trying to he cool. He's like an old man at a club and all the hot women think it's cute so he's doing his twirls in his sunglasses saying "hasta la vista baby" while they clap and he thinks it's genuine.

Yea he's really going for the Rico Suave look wearing the same bow-tie for 3 decades.

Bill Nye hitting on some 25 year old internet host: Wow, you're beautiful.

Her: coquettishly Haha omg you're sooo funny.

Him: No, but seriously. Are you into me?

Her: pretending not to hear him What?

"pull in the scientific community" Man when you guys get a bug up your ass it's just priceless.

Got any of them science connec's?

I watched the new series and it's so cringey. And so left

This is much more than pandering, this is pure flagrant propaganda. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. All these degenerates will hang on the day of the rope.

Yeah, but we're winning, so kinda sucks for you

Yes, president Hillary is doing quite well. Literally can't stop winning....or did you mean whining?

Minor stutter step on the way to fixing the world. Conservatives always throw some roadblocks in the way of progress during the process, but in the end you always lose. Always.

I wouldn't be so smug. Communists dictators always end up purging their intellectual progressive-dupes such as yourself first

Yeah but this time it will be different I swear

Shot in the streets by who, the faggots who hate guns or by the police which you also want dead? 😘

Shot in the streets by who, the faggots who hate guns or by the police which you also want dead? 😘

The faggots who hate guns.

I dont think I've ever seen a thread here with fewer peckahs. So Bill Nye is a big fawkin pecka head

perhaps time for a full, substantive & thorough investigation into why this aircraft engineer is so obsessed with explaining "science" to young children.

My gut says that's already been carried out albeit privately, which has ultimately led to the current self-cuckening masquerading as hip educational netflix program for young "grownups."

Science has become a fucking religion for atheists at this point. People get so worked up into worshipping guys like Tyson, Nye, and Sagan. They're viewed oddly similarly to Gods, and people get really mad if you question them.

If you refuse to go along with what they say, and ask "but how can they prove that?" you get vague shit like "they just can, they have ways". Sounds an awful lot like "Because he's God" to me.

There's an O&A clip on YouTube where they mess with Michio Kaku. I'm sure you all have heard it. It's the only O&A clip I've seen with almost as many dislikes as likes. Read the comments, and more than half of them are nerds getting pissed that O&A had the gall to mock the guy. They get mad at Jimmy for making fun of his irrational fear of strangers, rejecting the possibility that the guy is smart and cripplingly socially awkward.

Scientists know even less about the universe than they think they do. No one knows. We're too young and too inexperienced of a species.

You are stupid. I don't care to elaborate further but I don't like downvoting without commenting..

I'm stupid for pointing out that all systems of mainstream groupthink are equally retarded, including religion and the latest "personality cult" crap that goes on in the fields of science right now?

Okay. Makes sense.

Wtf I could have sworn I wrote that comment yesterday, not four hours ago. Weird.

Anyway, I downvoted you again and will not be elaborating

I didn't ask you to elaborate, faggot. Yeah that's right, big man on the Opie & Anthony subreddit sure showed me.

Go fuck your father.

"Science priests"


Aye Nye

The problem here is that those on the right use Nye as a benchmark for all science everywhere. Hey - if Nye's a jackass on gender, how can global warming exist? Oh and that jesus thing? What - you gonna listen to "Science"?


Who the fuck is nostalgic for that horseshit

That's what I'm wondering. Half these people complaining about his new show that say they liked Bill Nye the Science Guy are probably lying to pander to the Reddit crowd because they don't have friends. That show sucked even by an 8 year old's standards. I remember thinking it was super corny, but didn't mind, because it meant that we didn't have to do anything in class that day.

It was always unfunny rudimentary garbage even when I was a kid.

You say you're sick of being beat over the head with this but honestly one of the only places I see tranny's discussed is here. I didn't even know bill nye was still alive let alone what his views on this shit is. I think you're spending way to much time worrying about sweet sweet peckahs.

I already said this yesterday in one of the other 3 dozen Bill Nye threads, but I have no problem with Nye explaining basic high school science to rubes. If he chooses to mix political opinions with his science, he's only hurting his own credibility. I don't care what he does.

That said, I think he's an annoying cheesedick and you are pathetic (as am I) for even giving him a minute of your attention. He's a complete nobody. This sub is literally the only place I've encountered Nye's name in the last week. You are the same eager-for-outrage losers that you hate in other contexts. His show is not some cultural phenomenon. It's as culturally relevant as the "O&A virus spreading across America" circa 2006.

in the last week he had an AMA on the front page and he's been all over talk shows trying to promote his suck ass show.

I agree with you though all this hate is weird. It's not like his show will be some force of culture, it's just another wet turd in the sea of shit that is netflix.


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the guy has just seen a bunch of articles praising Bill and hates anything that gets praise, especially from 'leftist websites'. leave him be he'll a miserable fuckwit

You're wrong, though. You're 100% wrong on this. He started a show called "Bill Nye Saves the World." His brand is "Bill Nye the Science Guy" and he uses it as often as possible. This is on his website. So is this. If you can't see how he is trying to bill and brand himself as a science authority you are an irritating homosexual.

Yet here we are with a white supremacist in the White House. You're fag culture side is the one that's fucked.

LOL! Oh shit it's the badass liberal faggot who's side literally just lost the presidential election(and congress) to a reality TV star buffoon. Have fun with the new white and privileged far-right Supreme Court justice!

Similarly, I notice that Republicans have a tendency to beat women and celebrate it.

Because you gas your women up into thinking they can beat up dudes. It's fucking crazy, you're like the dirty Palestinians when they build their bases in schools and orphanages and use weaker people as shields so you can fight a PR war. Every week or so it's some new level of faggotry.

It's so strange how psychos like you keep reinventing the rules. You convince women that they are equal in every single way and then call reality bigoted. That's the core psychosis you all have, reality itself is the problem. I guess that's why you still think Marxism can still work, you just need more violence and communes.

I agree. Liberals need to start strapping up so we'll be able to kill conservatives more effectively when the time comes.

lol good luck, you already got your asses beat at berkley and suffered the most humiliating defeat in front of the entire nation. can't wait till you corral a bunch of anemic queens to show up holding their AKs like they think black people do and just break their wrists.

Yea I would like to see that actually

Eh, agree to disagree. Provided I don't agree with a party's foundational platforms as much as I do with the Republican Party, I'd much rather vote third than have that weigh on me. A vote is never wasted. A LOT of those third party votes last year would have gone Democrat in other years, and they know it. Will it change their party? I have no idea, but then again, I don't even know if having "WWE Hall of Famer" Donald Trump in office will change them either.