Way the fuck off topic, but even if 10% of this shit is true, then someone needs to be held accountable.

1  2017-04-26 by [deleted]


The army is for lazy sociopaths.

Brother Joe cooked for them. Case in point.

This sucks complete ass and I feel for the soldiers, but signing up for the military is signing your rights away as a citizen. You no longer have a choice in the direction your life goes. If that means your leader tells you to keep going despite a major injury, that sucks a lot, but that's the military. You have no choice.

The first couple paragraphs were unreadable.

I could barely make it past the headline. What is this?

Fucked up shit going down in bootcamp. They strong arm people to not report injuries during basic training, or are forced to continue training with serious injuries.

Oh. Yeah, that sounds like bootcamp from what I've heard from friends and family who went through it. Is anyone surprised by this?

I consider most military people to be one of three things. (1) Academy people from old money (2) low income person who wants college. (3) a complete fucking imbecile

I graduated with a guy who joined the Marines so he could "kill gooks".

The military is for morons. In australia the only thing the ADF was known for was sexually assaulting new recruits and getting away with it for decades. Some dude got sodomised with a broom. You'd have to be totally desperate to sign away your independence like that and be an order taking lemming for the next 5 years.

Oh. Yeah, that sounds like bootcamp from what I've heard from friends and family who went through it. Is anyone surprised by this?