this sub sucks dick. <- This triggers the reddicuck faggot :REMINDER youre fucking all CUCK NIGGERS 29/324

0  2017-04-26 by fecesinyourvagina

the same shit day after day, grabbing your buddies dick and having a good toss. if someone doesnt play into your faggot game your autism fucking goes into overdrive and you pound the downvote button like you pound the fecal matter and semen out of your nigger boyfriends asshole.

So here's your fucking shit/cum mix for today you motherfucking unfunny pieces of shit.

  1. (NEW) Anthony on vacation - could you faggots be any more jealous? It's like you and a 'buddi' were trying to baby bird a cum shot in a mens room and your boyfriend got sprayed directly into the mouth.

  2. ANTI-SEMITIC SAM - where did this even come from, this is what you faggots think is funny? holy shit this is outright embarrassing

  3. ANTHONY FUCKED A TRANNY - again, its not funny, you faggots are just jealous that you have to fuck a port worker in a dress instead of your man-crush Sue L.

  4. Shitting on people from the show - yeah, see the comedians do it and I'm funny too so i can shit on em too! no bro. just no.

  5. PATTON KILLED HIS WIFE - hahahahahah even after the 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000th time it just NEVER. GETS. FUCKING. OLD.


You, like the horse you are all beating, are going to die. why wait? kill yourself today.

again, you are fucking worse than cancer, and just as funny. i wish you all violent deaths.

fuck you, all of you, and die.


You're on vacation on your brother's dime

Nah, this is probably /u/coposmash. He's a really unfunny faggot.

Lol. No.

Why exactly do you keep coming back here to post the same thing over and over?

i'm convinced he's one of the repliers here getting a good laugh at people talking his alt account seriously.

What the fuck is "baby bird a cum shot"? I will withhold my DV until you explain.

You could have made your point without all the salty language.

Tss dis guyz guhd

Much like OP, you really are quite the character.

The expression is beating a dead horse, not beating a horse to death.

He's just trying to say we haven't done it enough yet. Like how Anthony hasn't banged his niece enough yet.

I actually do believe Patton killed his wife or at the very least was somehow involved in a cover up. Not joking at all.

You'le a pedofire with smarr penis

"having a good toss" - you are exposed as British, so your opinion does not matter.

If you don't like it here don't listen.

But where is Rich Vos playing this weekend?

Oh yeah? Why don't you come over and say that to my face, tough guy?

Well, you're not wrong.

Was u/poopinyourpussy taken or are you a goddamn doctor?

You sure mention homosexuality et al. frequently for a macho fella like yourself.

Try harder.