If I were to start my own show

2  2017-04-25 by Lies_and_Propaganda

I'd prefer to make just a podcast or sound only type show, but do y'all think I could bring in more viewers if I started every show by streaming myself shooting up?

As for guests and shit I was thinking about having my geriatric druggies I do my shit with on, I think the general public would love Chocolate age 66 and her deaf as shit husband Charles age 74. Or my friends who are a couple aged roughly 50 who in the 4 years I've known them can barely pull money to get well everyday and owed their apartment 6 grand and haven't even been threatened to get kicked out. I figure that's useful life advice for all, how best to abuse the system and what not.

Should I talk popular culture and current events? I don't have many other talents unless y'all think there's a market for watching a fucked up faggot try to translate some Latin before nodding out. But seriously what should the focus be?

Also I figure shooting up with my guests might let me book Artie and Nirvana guy and other famous addicts I'm sure exist.


All I know is that you're getting in on the ground floor of this hot new medium.

yeah i'd love to watch you do smack and nod off for a couple hours

are you retarded?

Always better to start in a hole ... enjoy my down vote

Why do you do heroin with the elderly? Yes I would watch but only if the needle is full of fentanyl.

The elderly get my drugs safely for me and I help make sure they aren't sick. I'll do a syringe full of fent if you pay for it

your such a sweet guy taking care of old people. Sorry to disappoint but I have my own habits to support. Have fun with your friends and stay safe out there.

I'd watch you fuck Chocolate.

She gave me a blowjob once. You ever have a gummy from and ex prostitute? Even as a gay fag that shit was on point.

Sounds like you just want to shoot up. Skip the pretense.


Of course stinks, I owe you from not moving up to NYC. When I head up there next either for a decent Broadway show if ones out or going with my friend to buy some shit in bulk, I'll hit you up and we can get fucked up and do an episode, it'll probably be 2 weeks to 2 months before I'm up there again.

awesome well meet up for sure. ill procure the goods

Nothing sickens me like faggots who call shooting heroin "getting well"