The Sam Roberts holocaust shit

92  2017-04-25 by ticklemyballsack

Can we aknowledge this shit is not funny and is ripped off from Norm Mcdonald, the same people that where all in with the teft garbage, cut it out you boring cunts.





limp dick with a nine toed woman

Oooooohh.... is somebody mad at all the Sam Roberts holocaust jokes? That's it fella, it's on now! You gonna git it.

Every "this is not funny" post makes me want to do another one.

That's just the behavioral issues acting up again.

Yeah carry on then, it still won't be funny

The holocaust is always funny.

Look at that edge. *breathes chilled air

Go get em. Show them daddy didn't win, rebel boy.

For a subreddit that thinks it's above reddit, this shit is nothing but repeated hack "bits", lines from the show ad nauseum, and Vos and Chip, Wazzat?, rolls which never get old. Makes sense, the sub is dedicated to the least evolving human beings in radio history.

The old reddit faggaroo.

That's where you're wrong. No one does Chip lines anymore. We've all moved on. Matured. You nigger faggot.

This sub has a lot of really unfunny dudes copying the funny dudes for....karma, I guess?

The "Sam is a nazi" shit was probably funny one single time, and then the spergs decided to post it over and over and fucking over

i think it's funny cause if there's any whiff of truth to it he oculd have his job taken away. and part of me wants that to happen.

I agree, but the reason why all the Opie hate worked was because it was all based in reality, the reason the "Bam fucked Opie's wife" meme worked was because Bam probably actually fucked Opie's wife. You can also look that the wildly successful "Tranthony" meme.

Just saying " Nazi Sam" over and over ain't gonna work

I aglee. Lepetitive cheap comedy is lazy and not coor.

So you're getting upvotes now? Golly, this sub is so unpredictable.

Don't forget that I was there for you from the beginning. Love ya man.

Honestly if something I read is over 1 I upvote it, and if its below 1 I downvote it.

Don't you mean "razy"?

Indeed I do. Thanks fol the collection fliendo.


which leads into "You know this sub is one of the funniest, most creative and radical subs out there. I love you fuckers" I vomit everytime I see this self-congratulatory bullshit you samefag into your own shitty threads.

samefag, highfive!

I feel the same way, it's disgusting. Our values as a sub used to revolve around self hatred and that's why it made it ok to hate others. Thinking you're better than other people while participating in this sub should be mocked to the fullest extent of the peckah.

It's certainly annoying, but it's not even on the top 5 most annoying things being repeatedly parroted lately.

And even the 12th thread about Joe Cumia's social media on the first page is better than the first fucking post about the people who post here.

I hardly go here anymore because of it, it fucking stinks.

Sam is pulling a Schumer on Joe Derosa. He did it first. He wanted the holocaust to return before Sam.

I'm sure Materese had something to say about the bla bla ... bored of my own typing

Whats next, no more tit jokes?

Opie actually has tits.

Sam actually denied the holocaust. I heard unedited audio proof on this sub.

Yeah but none of these faggots whining obviously have heard it. They think people just came up with Sam being an anti Semite

Please send me a 1080 Ti

there really haven't been enough lately

I love it because they are targeting that retard, that tefft shit was pure embarrassment, this can be good

Can we organise an intervention for /u/I_Hate_Knickers too?

You shourd change youl name to u/866-Lacist-0-pedofire

How about a lynching instead?

Fuck you both. Knickers is what holds this thing together.

I'm not hearing any arguments for prolonging his life

He should die for our sins.

If you really lived him you would want him to get better.

"NO! It was only 2.5 million. NOT 6 million." - Sam Roberts

I think it's fucked up the WWE and SiriusXM support such anti-semtetic and self absorbed scumbag.

I think we should flood some emails all addressed to Greenstein asking why he's okay with employing such an open anti-semite like Sam Roberts. He's clearly anti-Jewish with his stupid comments all the time. Fuck him.


The Teft shit was really corny.

While Sam Roberts may not implicitly state his Holocaust denying, the fan base can infer a great many things from the Sarcastic Sensation. But maybe it is time for some self reflection on the sub and to look into ourselves and see Rich Vos live Friday, May 5 at the Comedy Shoppe In Mt Arlington, NJ.

Yeah this place has been all time garbage as of late

Hmm, so you're saying this sub took something marginally funny and completely ran it into the ground? When has that ever happened before?

And with Norm, it's obvious that he's actually read the Holocaust denier material do his jokes are actually references to the claims those people make. Like saying that the smokestacks' shadow wasn't right in aerial photos, because crematoria don't actually produce smoke, and pumping poison gas out of smokestacks would kill anyone within a half mile. And the doors to the "gas chambers" being insufficiently insulated. It's obvious he has read Irving or something, because he knows enough to know the basic arguments a denier would make. On here it's just "Jooz did 911, hahah"

I am not sure how it is different from the jokes about Anthony. Good honest fun.

I just fucking hate sam. its odd because I like wrestling, I like a lot of the bands jimmy likes. I love KISS. For whatever reason hearing Jim or Sam talk about the subjects I like makes me want to hate them.

when it comes to this sub I'll take what I can get

when it comes to this sub I'll take what I can get

thank you for posting this. These are the same fucks that thought Bald Amy Schumer pictures were HILARIOUS. Fuck off.

Amy is hilarious. Women are funny. Get over it. Ghostbusters2016!

It doesn't seem to be gaining traction. Frankly it pails in comparison to the Cumio scuttlebutts. Those are tough to top.

I heard Sam also like cuckold porn and can be found under the Queensborough Bridge jerking off punks for $15 a man.

Sam Roberts is an anti-semite and a holocaust denier. Boycott SiriusXM & WWE until he is swiftly removed. Protest, emails, letters, phone calls. Sam Roberts is an anti-semite.

Out of all the dumb repetitive shit that gets posted here this Sam Holocaust stuff is the only one I've really been annoyed by, it's the hackiest misinformation you can spread, it's the lowest common denominator of lowest common denominator posts. I'd give Brother Joe the saliva glands of my first born child not to see another /b/ circa 2006 tier post about Sam denying the Holocaust.

O&A didn't have a mission statement beyond "we're irreverent radio rebels maan" and they only criticized to criticize, not to address any issues (thank god).

The point is, shittiness and repetitiveness and the phoney "we're outcasts because of some hidden quality you don't possess, not because we're antisocial hermits who feel icky around well adjusted people" shtick is entirely in line with what Opie & Anthony was on the radio.

ps faggot.

pps nigger.
