
7  2017-04-25 by unclepaul84


Very strange how he goes into so much details about what happened that day.

Congrats Fatton you milked this for a year of sympathetic news cycle coverage and twitter followers!! you can now get back to politically indoctrinating 'your' daughter about drumpf lorfolmaol

And then do it all again next year

who forced that dumb cunt to overdose on painkillers and anti depressants? no one but herself (or Patton as he offered them with a warm glass of wine). Oh well, one less stupid bitch in the world

How long after her death do you think he jerked off

Probably while he was smothering her.



Still the cutest lesbian couple ever

Let's not forget O.J. Simpson attended Nicole's funeral...Similarities!?

I heard an owl gave her the pills.

And thanks for ruining the new MST 3000!

Nothing tragic about this she either killed herself or Patty murdered her either way it's funny Patty is still pretending to be sad about this.

Their child has got to be fucking hideous too just look at those little trolls.

This is just to let the bitches know he's ready to fuck.

Junkies bullshit.