Bill Nye the Science Goy

127  2017-04-25 by cbanks420lol


That's stupid.

Jews don't go to heaven.

They're looking down on him from heaven, you stupid piece of shit.

I thought Nye was a jew?

Hence the Goy in the title.

But I thought Goy was short for Goyim?

Look man I don't know anymore just watch the whole thing.

Peak degeneracy.

We should have venerated the entrepreneur

goy is singular, goyim is plural

Look at the Producers of his show.

He isn't a Jew. He just has a big nose. His mother's maiden name is Jenkins and his father was in the military (and Jews don't serve, they just start the wars.)

After watching the video, I say he's close enough.

He's certainly a faggot. But calling somebody a Jew when they aren't is just mean. He even sounded like he didn't like Jews on Real Time.

This is why in Nazi Germany the government "decided" who was jewish. If you were a instigating little communist piece of shit but you happened to be aryan you still got labeled a jew and you went to the labor camps.

There were plenty of other people in the camps. I'm not Jewish and my grandparents on both sides were in Auschwitz. They made it out alive.

what were they there for, and how did they manage to make it out alive?

They made counterfeit IDs, so Jews could avoid the camps

Auschwitz was liberated by the allied forces


These aren't my grandparents, but it's the same idea, same country. Fake papers to help Jews escape the Nazis:

Someone has to man the guard towers.

Thank them for their service. Those switches don't get flipped on their own.

also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium*

what a shame.

He's in the grand tradition of Blue Blood WASP Anti-Semites. The older ones banned them from Country Clubs, etc. The younger ones hide under the guise of being Pro-Palestinian lefties.

Einstein is who I was referring to faggot.

I'll take this L.

Take this peckah too.

Why are we mad at Bill Nye?

I know about that. Is that really it? Some cringey actress performing some cringey pro-transgender song is enough to get sperglords on the internet to draw cartoons where scientific minds frown down on Bill Nye?


This is really coming across as a "alt right blogs told me to be mad about this so I'm mad!" Sack of nothing

I just hate the video stop yelling at me.

Sorry bby

Good man, you gotta know when to fold him.

I had an autistic reddit battle yesterday. I thought I won. The dude started commenting I was a pedo under every comment I made. He later deleted a very old account.

Moral of the story I thought I was the biggest loser with infinite time to shitpost. I wasn't.

You are though.

That is besides the point.

It's beyond the alt right. Nobody thinks this is good. He did an entire show about transgender and nobody attacked the other 20 minutes, just this part.

lol and your gay ass post comes off like a typical shitlib "MAN ASS TASTES GREAT DONT JUDGE BIGOT!" tirade.

if you think it's normal for scientists to headline tranny musical acts, you belong in an oven.

You keep posting things like that on the internet, and bars will stop booking your U2 cover band friendo

How could anybody allow this to be on their show? Is Bill Nye really that out of touch? Like even if you agree with the message you'd have to think this is complete horseshit. I hope at least.

It's this perverse need to hyper-label every aspect of one's sex life. It's a weird need to get rid of labels by labeling absolutely everything. It's a weird need to get rid of traditional gender roles by simultaneously re-enforcing traditional gender roles. That's why it's bunk.

It's like, you think people need to be more open minded sexually... okay. But this bitch is literally just using the most vulgar language in a grating voice. Who is that going to convince to change their mind? And Bill Nye used to host a science show for kids. How is he now going to have a show were some cunt is singing about her wet pussy? It's just mind boggling.

That's not even the worst aspect of it. The most offensive thing to me was that she practiced and rehearsed all these dance moves but didn't bother to make sure her singing was on rhythm or in time. She was contracted to write a funny song and instead she decided, like a 13 year old girl, she wants to use the opportunity to fulfill herself and be a dancer on tv.

Call it what it is, its good ol millennial narcissism given a political output.

Send the nukes, North Korea

That is the worst thing that's ever happened. I'm not going to start hating Bill for it but fuck that was worse than no 9/11.

Because any ounce of credibility he had in the hard sciences he ruined with gender nonsense.

You don't think the decision to undergo major surgery to change your gender isn't scientific at all? That maybe it falls under the umbrella of biology or psychology how and why older brother keeps his penis and younger brother flies to South Korea?

It's soft science. Yes there is medical science attached to plastic surgery and gender reassignment. Nobody doubts you can be medically transformed to resemble another sex. Biologically you still wont be the sex you appear as. Men wont be able to ovulate and females wont be able to create sperm.

The different genders are societal and psychological constructs. Where there is no real right or wrong answer.

By promoting this he lessens his credibility on important issues such as climate change.

I mean, nobody is arguing that they're able to birth a child if they were born a boy.

Just seems like needless antagonization directed at a specific group of people which is fucking stupid when the left or the right does it. How are transsexual people negatively affecting my life in any way shape or form?

I agree. The right wing witch hunt on him now explains why he should not of done it.

Fossil Fuel companies will do anything to discredit climate change science. They can now paint him as a pseudoscientist who has a liberal agenda. Conservatives hate trannies (publicly), or anything else that challenges a judeochristian worldview.

I really wish liberals didn't completely fuck up their party because I'm so fucking tired of conservative bullshit. Enough already.

Both parties are fucked up. Conservative crony capitalism personally hurts me more than liberal crony capitalism.

As far as social issues go, I don't think the government should have a say in what consenting adults do.

They're fucked up because people are fucked up. They just like to shit on each other. The issues are an excuse.

It's like how there would have been just as many wars throughout history if there never was any religion. People just want each other's shit, and will find any excuse to take it.

Seriously. I voted Democrat all my life but the SJW bullshit is a complete turnoff.

They don't. This is just the new thing for (mostly conservative) people to bitch about now that homosexuality is pretty much accepted. I can't understand the people who work themselves up over what people do with their own bodies or with other people. The Donald seems to have taken this up as a new cause, too.

People like to pretend these are new issues that haven't existed since the dawn of man.

Just by existing. I honestly believe that homosexuals should be put into death camps. I pray for a future of only hetero whites and Asians.

Here's how:

Right now the media is trying to normalize certain behaviors. For instance, Any Schumer is promoted to an icon for being an overweight alcoholic with self control issues.

By championing behavior that was formerly looked down upon, it changes society.

For instance, we have two daughters in high school. They've noticed that their classmates are obsessed with being mentally ill. IE, it's now "cool" to be crazy/transsexual/on medication.

In 2017, if you're a straight white teenager that's not on medication and you don't have a tattoo or an abortion, you're the rebel.

I noticed this too when I was in high school in the mid 90's. Everyone wanted to have problems and would brag about being depressed. They were all upper class white kids too! After a bunch of shitty life choices I ended up in an apprenticeship with only black kids. None of those kids knew what ADD was and they sure as shit weren't on zoloft.

That's exactly what I'm hearing from my kids.

But instead of their schoolmates bragging about being depressed, they're bragging about being trans. Or crazy. Or both.

When you say that being trans gender is a mental illness, you're ignoring and discrediting the scientific studies that have been and are being done on the subject.

You're literally doing the least scientific thing possible.

no, it is a mental fucking illness to cut off and mutilate yourself thinking it will make you something you are not. They need help or a bullet

The scientific method, in action. "It's a mental illness because I say it is."

There's a teeny tiny fraction of the population that has a chromosonal issue. A real "edge case."

Most trannies are simply men that like to dress up as women. It's that simple.

Very scientific. It must have taken you years of rigorous study to come to that conclusion.

This is how:

This is what is being taught in universities. This is what some governments are trying legislate.

Someone is sounding transphobic. Problematic.

Trying to silence and marginalize people of trans and their lived experience by declaring that gender is a social construct.

Your analysis defies contemporary embedded autoethnographic analysis and reveals a requirement for active engagement and rigorous critical intersectional re-evaluation which would challenge dominant explanations and better explore analytical context.

Genders beyond male / female /(rare) intersex aren't a social construct?

I'll have you know this thesis was peer-reviewed successfully in the Berkeley Faggot Journal of Spoilt Children with Daddy Issues. (Soros Press, vol 4, 185-193)

Stop oppressing me.

Define gender.

It is either a term for biological sex or a social construct in which one identifies.

Well let's exclude sex because most people differentiate between gender and sex. You said gender is a social construct, does this include behavior that is often deemed stereotypically female or male?

There is a lengthy wikipedia article on what people deem to be gender. Different researchers and cultures have different opinions. So there is no right or wrong answer.

It is dependent on the individual, the macro and meso levels of society.

Get this man on the phone with Zizek. We have another post-modern genius over here.

ME: Hoo Hoo, I invented sniffing. <Rubs nose>

If I had a nickel for every gender there was I'd have 10 cents.

That's not what he's arguing. He is saying biology is wrong because you really are a woman....that has to go through extensive surgery and take lots of estrogen. I'm fine with the "do what you want with your own body" argument. But saying biology is wrong at the same time you're on CNN throwing a hissyfit at a person who doesn't believe global warming is as bad as your theory is ridiculous.

I mean, does it matter how it's classified? As a biological gender, as a mental illness, does the alt-right really need to get their way on this issue? Can't you just let transgender people decide what they want it to be and not try to correct them?

It's like, you can walk around downtown telling every fat person how disgusting they are. Maybe they should develop better eating habits but you're still the asshole for making sure you told them exactly how you feel. It's the same thing with these anti-trans conservatives.

You're telling people they shouldn't get diabetes or need an expensive open heart surgery when they're 40. What monsters.

Here's the deal: I don't give a shit what you wanna do with your genitals, just leave me out of it. I don't need to hear about it every time I watch the news, and I don't think we should have to cover sex change operations with tax money.

If I want to judge you for being a tranny and creeping me out, there isn't shit you're going to do about it. People judge people all the time, and you're a child if you can't get over that fact of life.

"biology is wrong"

He couldn't have been retarded enough to say that. Biology is part of nature and nature is a whore who doesn't give a fuck. She will give you cancer. She will give you a brain that wants to get fucked by a dick and a dick instead of a pussy.

Finally, somebody else gets it.

Why is gender the one area where humans treat "nature" like a deity with a plan and moral authority? When they get cancer, are they also going to eschew medical treatment because extensive chemo therapy isn't what nature intended?

The trans shit shouldn't be tolerated on any level. Most of it wouldn't even happen, if the commies wouldn't encourage it and way too many of these confused little queers end up killing themselves over it.

Very few people are born with such insane hormonal imbalance that they actually are better off switching genders. Most trannies are just perverts and we shouldn't rewrite biology books because of that.

I've worked with some trannies.

As far as I can see, it's just a sexual fetish. They were men who liked to dress as women.

Due to that, I can't see how this is any different than me forcing my sexual fetishes on other people. One is legal, the other is not.

It's happened throughout history in many different cultures, dumbo

It would be better if he took a genetic approach.


Fuck him for buying into the trans fad.

Give a stranger a handy if your sex junk is better than a bagel with lox with lots of schmear.

Can we just be honest and apologize to Hitler, world?

He literally did nothing wrong. His message was inspirational:

I Fucking Love Science, Bro!

And bacon too!

Glad he stuck with science and not the standup he attempted

I'm a tall pansexual flirty wood sprite.

Tssssssssssssss you fuck pizza pans or sumpin'?

haha I've watched this video way too many times. I pick out new things to focus my hatred on each time. Flashlight in the cold moonlight is the object of my current enmity.

Bill Nye looks off. Like he's a pedo or into bestiality or something.

Always keep an eye on the commenters that see pedophilia and bestiality where no one else did.

For some reason the "Tesla" ghost made me laugh the hardest.

Tesla is beyond petty emotions. He observes your faggotry and finds you wanting.

I'm not seeing anyone call him Shill Nye. Step it up

Since when did /r/opieandanthony have the same post as /r/the_donald

Seriously. This is fucking stupid.

you are

Eat a bullet libtard

Dank OC

These "rock star" scientists have to be universally despised within their community. Nye, Tyson, Kaku are all about the money and the tv coverage MMMAAANNN!!! At a certain point you cease being a man of science and become an entertainer or a sideshow carney. The true geniuses of these various fields can't be bothered to waste valuable time dumbing down their research to make it digestible for rubes.

Add Hawking to the list. He is considered kind of a publicity seeking hack by some of his lesser known peers.

Nigga predicted black holes, he gets a pass

The greatest trick disney ever pulled was convincing the world that this guy in a sketch comedy troupe was an actuall scientist. The show "Big Bang Theory" is more scientifically creditable than him.

What. Why is this here?

I know that poster behind her ass is supposed to be a bunch of variations on gender symbols, but in my eyes they are just a bunch of Unowns haha

Take this peckah too.

haha I've watched this video way too many times. I pick out new things to focus my hatred on each time. Flashlight in the cold moonlight is the object of my current enmity.