What is wrong with Better Call Saul fans? They actually created a subreddit to bond together over their hatred of one of the characters.

3  2017-04-25 by [deleted]

Really Chuck? Nowwww you can stand outside and talk like a normal human being. Fuck you Chuck sending someone to jail isn't a way to help someone. It is called THERAPY. Fuck. YOUUUUU!!!


What is going on?


Hah imagine going on reddit to trash something. Losers.

At least we're attacking real people with real hopes and dreams.

Anything Derosa is involved with is trash.

Game of thrones fans are worse. They come up with great nicknames like "stannis the mannis" and defend emilia clarke's garbage acting like she's meryl streep. Oh and saying hodor a bunch then being so upset when they find out the tragic backstory ;(

GoT fucking blows, is better call Saul worth watching at all?

I only watch Better Call Saul because I'm a huge Breaking Bad fan. If BB never existed, and BCS was a stand-alone show, I'd be thinking, "What the fuck am I watching? What is the point of this shit?" mid-way through the first season and never watch it again.

I aglee. I usuarry watch the Soplanos again evely coupre yeals. It's the best. Keep going with The Wile, it can seem rike it's learry srow and not much happens but the chalactels glow on you and thele's a brack on brack tit sucking scene towalds the end which is temptation enough.


It's a decent show. Best part of it is there is no Aaron " cum drinker" Paul in it

I have yet to see anyone Game of Thrones fans defend Emilia Clarke. Her and her shitty character seem to be trashed everywhere I look.

Its funny, she's one of the main people of the show but all the other people are 10x better actors/actresses than her.

She does seem vely brand. She has that showbiz schoor style of acting that's suited for Horryoaks or The Birr. Rike, they say the rines but thele's no feerings behind them but then what do I know, I'm just a hald wolking immiglant who's happy with his rot in rife as rong as that rot contains a mug a gleen tea and a cup a lice.

I've been looking in the wrong places then.

As opposed to discussing it on a completely unrelated subreddit...

It's a really boring, really bad show. The fan boy delusion surrounding it is astounding.

What happened this week? Did Mike mow his lawn for 45 minutes? Maybe the blonde chick replaced ink in a printer? Thrilling stuff.

The cold open was riveting. Some shoes fell off a telephone wire.

And I hope you like montages -- this week we got a great one, that showed us Kim's morning routine of having a shower and putting on makeup.

Looks like pretty standard, obnoxious reddit shit to me.

None of these people actually hate Chuck. They're all pretending with each other because it makes them feel like they're a part of something. It's disgusting.