Bill Nye on Cultural Appropriation (Yay Science!)

45  2017-04-25 by BrianGilgoresDJ



Oh no, I wasn't ready for these douche chills. Its sub zero in my room right now. Holy fuck.

Can't Bill Nye stay in his lane? This is Mosche's schtick.

Well he's not an actual scientist so I don't know what his lane is other than telling children's there's no god.

"Prashanth Venkat"

This guy's full name is Prashanth Venkataramanujam. This guy is the shitskin equivelant of Steve Carlesi call himself "Steve Carr" on stage.


So when I see some gook with a Yankees hat on can I bitch and moan?

sure, also when you see some black gentlemen playing basketball, you are free to screech at them all you want.

Basketball peaked when it was played by Canadian peach farmers and ruining old men's grocery baskets.

Its a Mets cap and he's differently abled, leave Bobo out of this.

Don't you love the way this curry-nigger says every other word normally and then deliberately pronounces Buddhism all weird to establish how much better he is than white people. We get it, you're Indian. If you're speaking English, pronounce it the English way you pretentious faggot.

glad to see I wasn't the only one annoyed by this

You don't even need to be a racist to see this guy is a total dweeb. If I was indian I'd still hate this asshole probably

You'd work in IT and smell like curry too.

And you'd still hate Kumail Nanjiani.

And then he pronounces Hinduism perfectly fine. What a pretentious cunt

Obama: Pak-EES-stan

I wanna be like you I'll take a shit in the street or somethin'

This faggot thinks wearing a bow tie will make him look like an actual scientist

Race jokes were a lot funnier when they included racist stereotypes and names.

"Stop stealing our culture!" said the Indian man wearing a business suit, in English, on a TV show, using electricity.

"White people are awful and ignorant" BUT PLEASE LET ME INTO YOUR COUNTRY

This pro Trump add was great.

Your only appropriating Indians when you shit on the street.

I am not gonna watch this, id rather watch cartel chainsaw videos than annoying myself with this horseshit.

So let me tell you what happens in the video. An Indian guy comes on and tells white people to stop slinging Eastern medicine because it's bullshit. He dances around cultural misappropriation without saying it because in the end he's saying the cultural significance is bullshit too with respect to actual science based practices. It's not bad if you have half a brain, but if you want to spin it into some political PC/SJW diatribe, go ahead. I think he's using the language of the aforementioned​ political ideologies to move the point that it's just stupid behavior.

I get what you're saying, and I know Nye has been on this whole thing for almost a decade now. He's one of those guys like Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens, who go around trying to tell people to stop being fuckin' retards. You can tell with his Deepak Chopra drop that that's what this is about.

Making it about white people and "cultural appropriation" is the problem, though. That, plus the whole vibe of this stupid fuckin' show, is also the problem. I hate those stupid kids, too. They barrage my Instagram with pictures of them in the woods, or doing yoga, and caption it with some horseshit about love and connection and life, like they're a sage now that they've read the equivalent of a Eastern Religion for Idiots book.

Admittedly I did not watch the entire show, so I took this in it's own context. I don't know why he decided to have a hot take on social issues. That's not really his wheelhouse. Although, maybe he strongly believes these things and is just trying to mate it with what he's already skilled at presenting--matters of physical science.

I probably won't watch it if that's the case. It's a real shame, he could have made more of an impact by being less heavy-handed.

Hey Indians, feel free to appropriate the Western custom of washing your armpits and using deodorant.

The proliferation of this style of whiny, elongating delivery ( YOU GUUUuuuuys, it's STUUUuuupiiid) is baffling. It might be Schumer's one original contribution to comedy

From what i can tell from the ads (because i don't watch the show), Samantha Bee does that too. Its their way of talking down to people who aren't leftists.

Ohhhhh tsk sweeetie, does the truth hurt?? Ohhh honeyy, I'm sorry...

Anyone doing this, libshit or otherwise, deserves for their closest loved one to be struck by oncoming traffic.

This stinky idiot makes Amy look like Carlin.

Ay nye, he's terrible.

Science show tries to be a comedy show, ends up being neither

Yeah that's exactly what the Dalai Lama is trying to say, white people don't try to become Buddhist

Hey Nye, how about you stop appropriating science? You're no more a scientist than I am, faggot.

Hes a "science guy"

I wish this faggot would say 'white people' more.

Oh yeah I saw this. It was very embarrassing. It wasn't funny at all. It seemed very condescending with absolutely no humor.

Everyday I root more and more for North Korean nuclear scientist.

M Night Shame-alan or sumpthin'

I hope everyone involved on this show is slowly lowered onto a belt sander until the only thing that's left is the tips of their toes.

Evidently Bill Nye is no longer interested in educating the layman on scientific principles, but rather pandering to "woke" college age hipster faggots.

Who the fuck are the white people laughing/applauding at this shit? Why do so many lefties love to self-flagellate? Is scoring your ally points that important to you?

It was like a civil Carlos mencia bit. UGH FUCK WHITE PEOPLE! YOU DONT GEEEET IIIIIT

laugh track at 0:38

And then the producer said "yea at the end of the segment, walk up to him and do a fist bump + explosion cause the kids really like that these days"

I fucking hate this the most out of all this left wing garbage. "Cultural Appropriation" ugh these pieces of shit must realize the irony right? This favor can keep yoga n BUDizm if we can bomb Bollywood for stealing our artform

When this sub realizes... maybe Ant was right? Really activates the ole' almonds.

Here's a reminder that this also happened this month:

What the fuck are these people thinking? Jesus.. One of their piece of shit videos fails and they seriously all start falling over each other to make 50 more of them 100x worse.

At least he is talking to an audience most likely to have Buddhas in their hallway and other Eastern religious crap because it looks cool.

It's not enough that you're into yoga now. You have to be into yoga while also being ashamed of it. They just keep going on and on; it's essentially about being the trendiest. They try to out-do each other with how enlightened they are until they will all just fucking hate each other. Meh, let em keep going.

This is what happens when we go 70 years without a world war.

Funniest YouTube comment is,"If we wanted to steal your culture, we'd shit on our streets".

Maybe Sam is right

Someone needs to introduce this guy to the incredible scientific innovation of poo in loo. His people have been shitting on Main Street for centuries. Maybe they can appropriate a toilet.

I hope he's the victim of a bunch of nigs who never saw his gay science show playing the knock out game.

too wordy

Does that make it any less true?

Strategically, this is about as stupid a move as he could have made. Given his role as one of the leading climate change advocates, all this does is sully his reputation and provide more ammunition to people who love to claim climate science is "politically motivated."

So are Indians asian, white or black? I'm not sure I understand how an Indian guy is asian when he looks nothing like Jackie Chan. He's got the melanin of a rapper and the hair of a cracker.

The ones I went to school with pretended like they were black, but their parents were doctors or tech support.

I agree the jokes are lame, but he's not saying it's offensive for Whitey to appropriate, it's just lame (which is true). Also, he's actually calling Asians out for doing this stupid shit. I'm almost expecting a Salon article about how this guy offended true believers of acupuncture

Stop Cultural Apropriation: Boycott all non-white artists and businesses.

fucking nasty curry shitter. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY! REEEEEEEEEE!

Hes very clear to target only white people as to not offend black people who also have an infatuation with asian culture (kung-fu movies, chinese food stores all over the community) because, you know....that be racist.

You'd work in IT and smell like curry too.