REMINDER: Antonio Cumio is Italian yet still manages to dress like a 13 year old high school freshman from the mid to late 90's

1  2017-04-25 by disawayisthrows

Never forget people. He has the dress sense of a child despite formerly being a millionaire.

He hails from a culture that invented style, but alas he has none. He isn't a vury good Italian.


Nice effort. But he isn't Italian.

All of his clothes come from the casual section of Men's Warehouse and Rockstar games.

They're actually from the malcom in the middle collection

He is more African than Italian

See Moors

Yes, he always dresses like it's the first day of 7th grade.

Opie is much worse. He has this douchey story where brother wease told him not to wear a shirt to work and be a "suit". He decided to be cool from that day forward.

He dresses like a school shooter. Take that man's guns away.