Which one of you fucks posted this shit about Queen Latifah?

6  2017-04-25 by [deleted]


I thought Harambe was dead.

"Let's see what color the baby? Maybe chocolate with the milk?"

Maybe chocolate baby looks like a milk chocolate candy bar....

Because the mother's skin is black, black like the heart of the Romanian Jew....and father's seed is from man with white skins...white like the spit of the child, drank by the Joe Brother.

Spray your spittle upon the altar of my nad flesh ~ Joe C

The father is the founder of reddit holy fuck dude.. that little shit is gonna have some serious social issues when it sees Daddy Serena chimping out on Mommy Alexis.

Thank God she didn't hear what O'Reily said about her kid. Disappointed in society? You mean the free one? The one you make tens of millions of dollars playing a game in and occasionally cross paths with an asshole? Seems reasonable but if you think it sucks here, take a quick look into how women are treated in Saudi Arabia and see if changes your perspective.

What an awful society we live in where people are allowed to say what they want. Just terrible.

Ha ha ha, luv dem folks.