Ant's girlfriend sure is wacky!

28  2017-04-24 by Bams_seed



This sounds more and more pedophilic by the day.

Seriously. That's a word an elderly man uses when scolding his granddaughter for running around the house and breaking a lamp

How does grumpy old man cumia tolerate someone with that kind of energy

The same way hes tolerated hearing " is that your daughter?" for the past decade.

By dropping the "Ass like a snare drum" line every time people would posit dating age-appropriately.

What an unnecessary Tweet.

Literally every Tweet ever put out.

It's a goddamn shame because he's a brilliantly funny guy. You'd think he'd have one of the best Twitter accounts out there. He could be Colin Quinn level Twitter funny if not for race and politics. And cat pictures. And this gf stuff. And most other things.

He dumped her for Dani because she was overly possessive. She then stole a camera from his property and put his keys in Beavis' shit. Flash forward a few months later. He beat and bit Dani, managed to avoid prison and welcomes the mentally unstable thief back with open arms. Now they're on vacay together and having a crazy time! There are pictures to prove it!

He really is a pathetic, desperate, lonely old zilch.

I just find it weird/unnecessary in terms of "look, I have a gf, everybody!" I mean for all the bullshit he gets online from people, why go out of your way to single her out/alert everyone to who she is? It's just going to bring more misery, why bother.

Maybe it's just me, but even when I had long term gf's I rarely posted pics of them/us on social media unless there was some specific reason or reference, just because it's boring and no one cares. I didn't want to be "that guy."

I have a friend who always posts pics of him and his wife on Instagram, both with big shit eating grins plastered on their faces. Literally once every other day, there's a photo of the 2 of them up there doing the most mundane shit - brunch, walk in the park etc.

They came to stay with us for a week last summer. After a couple of days of their Stepford Wives act, the facade broke down. They bickered constantly and seemed to have absolutely nothing in common. They have a one year old and I went for a couple of beers with my mate one day while they were here. The truth sauce kicked in and he basically said he was with her because of the kid.

Long story short, those who have to show a bunch of acquaintances and strangers how happy they are on social media are probably miserable as fuck.

Instagram and Twitter are great for showing how boring and unimaginative people are through "picture form." I love going through and reading people's horrifically unfunny comments somewhere, then going to their feed and seeing: pictures of food/beer/alcohol, their car/truck/motorcycle, pictures of 'insert favorite sport here.' And their kids. Over and over again, their entire feed.

Same with hot chicks, just endless self obsessed selfies. Pictures of their dog. Pictures of food. (But mostly selfies)

Social media is all just narcissistic masturbation. Ir really adds nothing to anyone's life, yet so many people are completely addicted to it. At least other addictive shit - drugs, alcohol etc - is fun until it ruins your life.

I wanted to tag your Taxi Driver reference but I got nothing.

I don't mind a creative/interesting/funny Instagram account, I love photography and creative expression and I think it's a good outlet. I don't think it's all narcissistic or bad to put shit out that you like or are into in the hopes of connecting with other people that like the same stuff. I feel the same way about Twitter, I guess it's all just moderation or having self awareness. If it's 500 pictures of the same boring mundane shit, it tends to tell you something about the person.

I dont mind pictures of hot chicks taking selfies if they're hot, but when you roll through their feed for a year back and it's endless pictures of themselves preening for the camera, sometimes 3-6x a day, it's almost borderline creepy.

I guess you're right. I have an Instagram account, started it just to stay in touch with friends as I live and work overseas. Only 2 interesting accounts I follow are a Taiwanese pal who travels the world for his job (travel photographer) and takes great pictures and NASA. That's out of around 250 followers.

Twitter account, got that too. It's indefensible. Started it 4 years ago to follow O&A&J etc. Now just use it to link posts here. I deserve to be flogged with a bike chain.

Couldn't give a fuck about hot muff taking selfies. Not to sound like a self-satisfied douche (too late) but I've got a hot wife. If I want a change of pace there's always Pornhub.

If your hot wife has an IG account, give us her handle. (Good for you, dog)

She doesn't. She's on Facebook but, if it's all the same to you, I'll keep her to myself and away from the savages on here.

Good man. You're learning from Antwan Kumiya's mistakes

get a room faggooooots.

Anthony is an insecure faggot. simple

"Look, I don't like trannies!"

Until the pants are off, I ain't buying it.

You say that like Anthony might not consider the future ramifications of things he puts online.

Interesting. Something to think about, I guess.

He's a fool. An Italian food.

He's an emotional mess. That's why.

Surly, this can't go wrong.

Holy crap! That is the same girl that put his keys in cat shit? I thought he pressed charges on her and he definitely swore her off. He is a fucking lunatic if he's back with this mess

He's utterly pathetic. In the weeks/months before the "Dani incident" he was meeting up with her and taking her out to eat, without even having sex with her. You can't even say "Hey, the guy needs to get laid." He just doesn't want to be alone.

Keith must have knock arthritis from shaking his head so much.

no that's from sucking dick

Great yuumuh.

He's a dumbshit and desperate to have a female hanging around for his money (he's not gay) while he plays video games, regales her with Seinfeld references and sings 40 year old songs in his karaoke bar, while she fake smiles and tries to make her dead, bored eyes look interested.

The whole relationship was dysfunctional from the start. Anthony is a chronic cheater and liar. He even admits it. He is just bad relationship material and only young girls are immature enough to want to be with him. She just got emotionally triggered by all the cheating and lying and did some aggregious shit that wasn't even that bad considering Anthony's a millionaire.



She stole a multi thousand dollar camera.

So? Ant spends alot of money on his girlfriends - even gives them an allowance. For a millionaire in a mansion a multi-thousand dollar camera isn't much.

She put Dani's keys in shit, and ripped off his card and equipment she used to film some shit he did.

Girls still fuck that dude, lol

If you think about it, he's not meeting any new chicks. He's more or less just scraping the bottom of the barrel of the hangers-on he used to have when O&A was still around.

If you have a daughter make sure she gets a college education so she never has to lower herself to depend on a man like that.

Poor girl has already worn holes in her pants from kneeling.

Not to mention her booze and semen-lined stomach. This hopeless wretch won't make to 40.

From being in front or behind?

And if she gets a college education, make sure it's in law, medicine, chemistry, engineering...something useful and employable. Even history, economics or philosophy degrees demonstrate to an employer she's been trained in research, critical thinking and source-based questioning.

If she wants to do media studies, gender studies etc. Save the money and just send her Tranpa's way.

It's gotta be the ultimate women who majored in women studies to end up win a Cumio.

hey, why are YOU here?

Tattle tale

This fucking guy. It's like the end of a gay romance novel....

He grabs an old Foreigner cassette and plays I Want to Know What Love Is

"and as the aging Fred sat on his porch with a sweet tea in hand he stared longingly at the sea, hoping, wishing, that he can catch a glimpse of the man he loves just one more time. The new 'fling of the week' didn't matter to him. He knew she would be gone soon, perhaps bitten, perhaps totally canabilized this time. In his heart of hearts he knew that one day soon he'd be back in that cozy Long Island mansion, staring deeply into his Tunisian muses eyes from across the poker table, sharing a drink, sharing a laugh, sharing a gift- called love"

Then Kurt love will bring round a couple stunnin' 11 year-olds and Fred will have to leave.

Isn't this the old girlfriends that stole from him?

Yup, stuck his possessions in cat shit too.

leave her alone, shes excited. She's on her way to see her brother Crush for the the first time in years.

What will she steal next?

Whatever the fuck she wants.

Lynsi's heart, and turn her lezzie.

Hopefully Brother Joe's allowance.

Anthony's heart!

That ottoman looks like the perfect height for her to accidentally trip over as she tries to escape from drunken Anthony.

I hope he has a Dick Van Dyke reference at the ready.

As soon as I read "Ottoman" I immediately assumed you were talking about Ant.

Boy howdy does this guy seem heterosexual! I'm sure that's not his intent, but I sure get that from his tweets!

Looks manly.

This bitch looks exactly like a Missy. All Missy's are annoying faux quirky cunts.

I bet she's "obsessed" with 'The Room'.

Look guys, it's a real-life girl and she's spending her time with ME!

The pool of women Anthony has access to must be drying up.

Probably the homeliest/plane Jane female he has been with since his wife.

She'll be making the same pose upon escaping the Compound (as Anthony pursues clutching dinner utensils with bib tucked).

Must be hard for Ant to just drink club soda while everyone is boozing.

Notice the omnipresent wine glasses in her photos. It's sad that his own niece won't even spend time with him sober.

I hope he has a Robert Wagner moment.

I think we all know Ant wishes she'd just act like a calm, mature adult, and sit quietly, sipping drinks, and laughing at his dumb jokes, half of which are 80s movie references she doesn't understand. He pretends he's into this frantic, 90mph, wacky hi-octane shit so she continues to let him stick it in.

He has enough money to go to Monte Carlo...chooses to go on a cruise.

At least she's old enough to drink

That is a pill gobbling bitch...

Literally every picture I've seen has a wine glass involved. This should end well.....NOT

I can tell you one thing she's gonna see on that trip. Gray pubes... if you catch my drift!

So he's back with the cat shit girl? Didn't he have her arrested?

Ant can only get girls with a rap sheet like himself.

Missy Misdemeanor. Hide yo wallet, hide yo gun.

AllureOfTheCs is what usually gets him in trouble.

You'd have to be whacky to be in your 20's and let 60 year old racist aunt Gertrude poke you with his awful prick.

The power of painkillers is amazing.

As soon as I read "Ottoman" I immediately assumed you were talking about Ant.

Good man. You're learning from Antwan Kumiya's mistakes