I only listened to Jim & Sam the first 2 weeks they were on but I browse this sub almost daily

40  2017-04-24 by throwawizzlemahnizzl

It's a gift to watch you maniacs. Everyone here who takes the time to actually think up some new hurtful fact about Anthony (or whoever) and expressing that meanness on twitter, thanks a lot. You're the real OGs. I get on when the train is already rolling but the hate machinists who start it up, you're providing me with more entertainment than Jim and Sam did (is that show still shitty? I'd rather listen to O&A bits I've heard before than take a chance on 3 hours of Worm & the Untermensch).

The fact that Anthony has been mentally unraveling for years and will probably hit a brick wall (literally or figuratively) soon, in no small part because of the soldiers on this sub, is amazing to me. HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW YOU GUYS AND HE'S GOT MONEY, WHY DOES HE CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK?

I'm eating popcorn just waiting for the bloody finale cause it ain't over til Amy sings. I just know it won't be pretty, and for that I thank you.



Same here. I check the sub out a couple times a day. I've never heard Opie's show and I gave up on the other two a long time ago. If I want to hear something funny I listen to twelve year old shows.

twelve year old shows


You could of just held down the W key and I would have been more entertained than reading this post.

But that's just one letter and I gave you a smorgasboard of letters, twist and turns! If you think everything is boring it might be you y'know 😄

A few more years and Ant will be sailing the high seas with the water buffalers

I hope he "falls" just like she did

onto a bunch of homeless peckers?

Onto his boyfriend's fist

"Control the weather with your fist. Make a Mudslide."

I won't read your nigger manifesto, but I WILL cock slap your whore of a mother and piss in your faggot cunt father's mouth.

So. Much. Edge.

Lol, nigger manifesto...JFC.

More like KFC tss

Fives. High.

You want people to know this, why?

Who gives a shit faggot

Whenever I hear Sam say something dumb (often) I check here to see if I was wrong in how I took it, or if Sam really is just a useless Opie clone (and he is).

I also enjoy popcorn.

I pointedly avoided signing up or looking at reddit since it started. During the esther coup I caved in and made an account to shitpost about OnA on here and I've been a full blown addict ever since.

The Jim and Sam show is not as terrible as it's made out to be. Every episode is usually good for 3-4 laughs.

We just love to bitch. It's our natural impulse.