The Chip Chipperson Podacast Episode #3: Chip with Bobby, Ant, Sam and the Dog Walker.

82  2017-04-24 by whatamassivedouche


Was this one better than last weeks?

5 minutes in and this is better than both the last episodes combined

Yes it was actually entertaining.

Kelsey Cook is writing the lines for Chippah.

Bull Sugar! Chippah goes straight off the cuff.

This one REALLY picked things up. Not sure what happened, but he really found his groove n shit.

Shiznit. FTFY... PEESA GaHbage

I wish Sam wasn't there.

I straight up don't want the psychological scars of listening to this cause you just know Jim and Ant are growing a weird, opie like resentment towards Sam

i enjoy sam robertson.

As silly as it sounds, Opie as a guest would pretty sick on the podacast

It does sound silly

Couple a silly geese around here.

"Yes yes, yes Chip. hahahahahgahahhfakelaughterimwithitahahahahaha, oh chip. chip you need to let your guest get a chance to say something. here I am trying to teach chip to do radio after 20 years you would think I would know better....HAHAHAHAhasdfsdhjfokfjlkfdassabesdomorefakelaughter"

It was the best one yet. Hilarious in fact.

yep! even with sams cancer i laughed my ass off.

Sam's answer to everything jim/chip says "why would you etc etc?"

Yeah. It's theraputic to hate but you gotta give props when they hit form again.

I'm really enjoying these. Infinitely better than the advice show.

Stepping in wet dog shit is better than the advice show.

If only he was just Jim the whole time. The Chip shit is okay but jesus.

He has N entire show where'd he's just Jim? This this is the Chip podacast

Unfortunately, his show doesn't have Anthony on every episode. Jim + Anthony >>>>> Chip + Anthony. Plus you add in Sam and a lil Bawby and the shits fucking gold. Not saying this is bad, just saying, how fucking good would Jim and Sam be if they fucking ditched SXM and did their show with Ant

Right, but this is the Chip Chipperson podacast.

It had Ant twice and now it has Bobby. Stop complaining. Chips hilarious and the show is only 22min so it doesn't get old.

I'm not complaining. I'm just saying Ant Jim and Sam would be a great shoe.

It's the chip podcast you dope. Why would he be jim?

It's podacast dummy.

You're right John, you're always right.

Just listened to it. I liked it and simultaneously wanted to punch Chip in the face about 8 times

If future episodes are as good as this one the Chippah is gonna stay at number 1.

Can anyone explain why this is #1? I thought they were joking until Bobby said it's really #1, doesn't da chippah have a pretty niche audience?

When I looked on Itunes it's #14 under the genre of comedy.. which isn't bad but it sure isn't #1.

Yeah, I looked under every category, every genre, free or paid, audio, video, etc., and I didn't see it at #1 anywhere. Blobby Kelly is a liar.

Popular new podcasts tend to be higher on the rankings because the rankings are based on percentages and not total download numbers

Nice. Does anyone have the video footage?

I think they release it a couple of days after the audio version.

Nice. Those three guys are the best in the O & A universe at interacting with the chippah. That and the fact that the last two episodes were hysterical.

Lil Jimmy may have a hit on his hands with this podcast. It's infinitely better then any Chip cartoon jimmy could come up with/have made...

My only issue is Sam is to intentionally the foil. He just repeats what Chip said or says "thats so stupid." We just heard him, we know. You need a straight man to represent the audience but I really want him to bait Jim more. Try and expand on the conversation like Ant does, ask him questions. It's like the "Yes and ..." theory in improv.

Yes, Sam is a brick wall for funny chip material, only topped by opie. It bothers me greatly when people say he's good at interacting with Jim's characters.

Only because sam would at least acknowledge chip. Opie treated chip like he was a ghost

Maybe he's trying to put it in terms that Chippah can't misinterpret. Any sarcasm or subtlety is lost on Chip.

This character will never violently crash into a brick wall of exhaustion. Dynamic enough to spread out over a span of infinity.

It's never ending for Chip, any bad jokes can now be funny because he's being used to make them so literally nothing on the show can go to waste (except Sam hopefully)

Are you being facetious?

Fuck these stupid plugs advertisements

Yeah, but at least they're preceded by that swootch sound so you know exactly when to start jumping ahead.

Who is the dog walker and whose pecka did she suck to be on?

Wait this isn't on compound media?

Compound Media really isn't the network for comedy.

The sad thing is, that's not even a slam.

Ya cuz it's morre lyke a clothezline and shit..mtss

It's on Blobby's Riotcast Network.

These plugs are annoying

you are

You could create a singularity with the denseness of that comment.


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They're individually placed advertisements.

this is the combo right here.


Is Ant a member of the show ?

I wish he would do an hour long show

Sam needs to be in the same room as Chip

This show could really use some wrestlers



Funny stuff

Does that broad really not know what "antimicrobial" means? Or is Chip doing a bit. This is a person giving us political advice.

Has Jim accepted that Chip really is his purest form?

How long before you fags start attacking sweet old chip?

I hope Chippah's next show is on Holocaust denial!

I hope Chip continues to have more guests that have no idea who he is.

My only issue is Sam is to intentionally the foil. He just repeats what Chip said or says "thats so stupid." We just heard him, we know. You need a straight man to represent the audience but I really want him to bait Jim more. Try and expand on the conversation like Ant does, ask him questions. It's like the "Yes and ..." theory in improv.