BroJoe: My gig got canceled because I am a Trump supporter. What a deluded retard

30  2017-04-24 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Could brother Joe be anti science too?

He does think child spit cures mild levels of retardation. So it's possible.

His people also think sex with virgins cures AIDs, so I'd say it's confirmed.

"Anthony cumia was fired by Sirius for being a trump supporter" - Alex Jones

SAMCRO has seen my cousin bunny one too many times

Is there usually a confidentiality agreement on this type of show that he would have signed waiving his right to talk about the episode until it airs?

Light googling would probably be enough to find out. Get on it someone else.

Maybe they don't care enough to do it. It's just a bunch of nobodies arguing over a few hundred bucks of rent money most of the time

I'm certain this man's iq is lower than Bobo's.

Send him a message on Facebook, you will not believe how stupid this man is.


i could have sworn it was about him professing his affection for Nazism

He said that a woman simply defending herself from his brother's voyeuristic perversions was as evil as 9/11. Joseph Cumia thinks women are objects, and that'a about the only positive thing that can be said about him.

Old people ruined Facebook.

Definitely. I used to listen to this local radio show, but one day a bunch of geezers started coming to the show's FB page. They posted pics of people hitting buildings with chairs, eating tha poo poo, and something about a "Piss Lord Army." Anyway, it had just been a normal show up till then. Damn old people ruined my favorite show.

He's probably right, but that article had nothing to do with his point.

How is it possible to be that douchy and out of touch?

Never get a job and overcompensate for your leeching by overly agreeing with your gravy train's political stances.


Trying to be a victim. Not a snowflake at all.

I'm Terrence R. Nelson.

Never get a job and overcompensate for your leeching by overly agreeing with your gravy train's political stances.