Mouthful of Shame - 1.5 stars on Netflix?

0  2017-04-23 by ChicagoThunder

I'm sorry if this has been asked/answered but what is up with Jimmy's special rating on Netflix? It's only at 1.5 stars. I don't like his show with Sam but that wouldn't lead me to leave a negative review on his special, which was pretty good.

Could this be due to Opie fans? I can't imagine he has enough to even slightly impact the overall score.


Netflix dropped the star system brah

Opie fans? All 3 of them?

It got shit reviews because normies don't want to hear some deranged cancer patient rant on about how much he loves tranny dick

Yes, I used to term "normies" unironically and I should die

they don't use stars anymore retard

Ha. I love this place.

Like I said, I used a family member's account so perhaps it needs an update. The stars were on the upper left hand corner of the description page, when you click on the link to the video from the comedy shows menu.

Last time I seen it in my feed it had 4, but the star system is gone so who knows what you saw.

The star system was tailored to your individual tastes based on what you watched and how our rated it.

So basically you just outed yourself as a miserable cunt. Well done.

How does that even work? So you rate Schumer a 1 and Norton gets a low score because they're both considered comics?

Say you rate Schumer a 1 and 1 million other people rated Schumer a 1... They would look at how those like minded people rated Jim's special and factor that into the rating they show you.

For example, if I like child spit videos most of the shows Joe Cumia likes would get a little bump in the ratings I see on my end. Why are there so many Hitler documentaries cluttering up my feed?

I use my BIL's account. He is a miserable cunt so that makes sense.

All the goddamn alt-right trolls

How does that even work? So you rate Schumer a 1 and Norton gets a low score because they're both considered comics?

I use my BIL's account. He is a miserable cunt so that makes sense.