Stupid Eddie Bravo becomes a flat earther and debates Rogan

2  2017-04-23 by FlashVirus


Holy shit, does Joe just surround himself with the dumbest people so that he looks smarter? That other douchebag seemed even dumber than Eddie.

Branden Schuab has always been mildly retarded, but now he has brain damage from playing football and being a professional punching bag. He has a podcast, and people use their subreddit to shit on him and the podcast. Kinda like here only not as funny or autistic.

Eddie 'chem trails' Bravo

I couldn't even watch 5 minutes of this, Eddie's entire argument is "Yeah but you don't really know dude, it's all a lie bro"

Flat Earth Theory is next level retardation

Eddie is shockingly stupid. I listened to this the other day, at first it was funny then it just got really fucking frustrating

I refuse to listen if only because Bravo is on it

He nearly ruined the Alex Jones podcast. He's so unbelievably stupid, and the way he was acting like a little child around Alex was pathetic. "Alex talk about this conspiracy theory now!" You could tell he fucking hated the guy.

I want to come up with the next psy-op like this. Just imagine how much fun the person who came up with this is having seeing all of this.

He said he believed space shuttles were real but couldn't confirm where they went since he didn't see. This man shouldn't be around children.