Obscure Opie lie

6  2017-04-23 by FlashVirus

I can't really find the audio but does anyone remember a few years ago Opie told this outrageous story about going to Central Park and a deranged guy started walking up to people and smacking them in the head? Then when the cops tried arresting him he took all of his clothes off and outran the police for several minutes while the cops clumsily kept trying to pull out their taser and missing the guy. I remember Jim and Anthony asking why he didn't bother recording the incident and Opie stuttered and said something along the lines of, "I forgot to I guess. I dunno man it was craaazy"


We really need a resurgence of Opie hate around here

I agree. I secretly think he is fueling Ant with Liquor to get him to tweet more and take the focus off himself.

Another obscure Opie lie... Last week somebody mentioned this as one of the greatest O&A shows of all time so I made the mistake of giving it a listen. Unfortunately I could never get to the "good" part. Why? Because of this story:


If that sounds familiar, it's because he just told the story again last week and some prankster posted it here to ruin everyone's day. Except a few major details changed:


For people that don't hate themselves enough to listen, basically Opie told a story that was an obvious lie about a 1 armed Bill O'Reilly producer trying to seduce him. She allegedly got naked and invited him to join her in a bathtub. In the first telling he didn't realize she only had 1 arm until weeks later. In the 2nd telling, seeing her in the tub with 1 arm made him laugh and he couldn't go through with it.

Poor Bill Burr had to listen to this obvious bullshit story twice in 12 years. No one should have to endure that.

A lot of unintentional comedy when you compare the clips but my favorite has to be Anthony subtly calling bullshit on the story the 1st time around. "I can't believe you never told me that story before!" and "What kind of bathtub was it?".... ME: "dah it had a bunch of candles" What a fucking child.

OK, autist out.

Why didn't Ben Sparks chime in in the 2nd clip?

BTW, I like how in 12 years, Opie's still calling a "prosthetic arm" a "mannequin arm". Fucking dolt.