Wild, girl biting North African manages to blame others for his actions and pat himself on the back all in one tweet. Even while on holiday, Antwan Kumiya shows the world how twitter is done.

13  2017-04-23 by McGowan9


For The Blocked - Cumio responds to the news that Bill O'Reilly will be starting an internet show with,

"Great idea! I wish I'd have thought of this after the politically correct brigade used the usual bullshit to discredit me. Oh, wait..."

I guess the only way to deal with being such an awful human being is to simply block it all out

then crawl into your safespace

Which, of course, is tranny ass.

I wish he would have thought of the same plan R Budd Dywer

I like how the usual bullshit is apparently calling a woman nigger over twitter

Yeah he complains about liberals going after people, remember how the conservatives got Milo and Tomi Lahren fired.

He doesn't realize you represent your employer. Tell me one employer that wants to pay millions in constant sexual harassment settlements or wants their star to go on twitter and say blacks aren't people.


I swear I'm always expecting the next thing out of ants mouth to be "wake up whiteeee people"

Next he is going to say Neil deGrasse Tyson wont do his show anymore because he fell for the liberal lies.

Last time Neil was on was cuz ant caught him in the hall and asked him to talk about flat earth... Neil didn't seem to wanna be there

Harassment settlements for a company isn't always an end all for a career (O'Reilly) but if you do something that sends advertisers fleeing you are out the fucking door ASAP.

Rereading Anthony's twitter rant, I am amazed XM even gave him an option to simply apologize and he'd be back. But Anthony's a tactless dolt so he refused.

Wtf are you talking about? Sirius never offered Ant shit

You're right, I was going off a question Red Eye interview.

Still, Anthony is a tactless dolt.

He doesn't realize you represent your employer.

I disagree with this. You can argue it for entertainers, that they have a brand that people hire you for, but the average Joe shouldn't be liable for statements made when he wasn't on the job. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your expression in exchange for livelihood.

Im talking for entertainers and for loud mouths stupid enough to have their job listed on their twitter profile.

The sales rep from Smith Lumber should keep his mouth shut or remove his employers name.

Well I can agree with you on that.

Yeah picture owning a small business and being swamped by press and protestors because your janitor said blacks aren't people.

So he's starting a "podcast" that is only 4 minutes long?

PC brigade? I don't watch his show or follow him outside of here so how long ago did Ant go fully retarded? It's not like Bill got canned for making insensitive jokes.

This is the funniest title for a thread I've read on here in weeks. I laughed so hard I have tears in my eyes. (Im tired)