Hentai manga that appeals to Anthony 13/50

16  2017-04-23 by TheNigIsUp


This manga is called Let's force him to crossdress and rape him

Do I even need to give a description with a title like that?

I would appreciate some more detail, yes.

Well see, three friends are sitting around watching trap porn and one says "asshole is way tighter than pussy"

So they force the loser kid in their class to crossdress and they rape him. The subject matter really threw me a curve ball after what it's title was.

2 nukes wasnt enough.

So they force the loser kid in their class to crossdress and they rape him.

What an enteprising, creative group of lads. Its this type of out-of-the-box, innonative thinking which makes this country great.

No pussy in sight? No problems. Lets commandeer some boipucci!!!

The little secret is that you're into this and wanted to post it somewhere. How else would you know where to find it? You're a fagggGGGgg

No Sir. I'm very straight and have a beautiful wife. Just look at her.


yo waifu is shit

No need to get personal. This is a man's internet wife we're talking about here.

Pretty cool that your wife drives a tank

Just as a slight user experience suggestion, try to recommend to neophytes that they should read these right to left.

I lived in Taiwan a few years (it's nothing compared to Japan, I know) but still that threw me off at first.

What did you live in Taiwan for? I went twice for a few days when I was bumming around South East Asia.

This does appeal to Anthony.

It's kinda appealing to me too

Gave me a boner

Serious question.. do you jerk off to this?

I do. I'm not proud, but I do.

If you mean Hentai, yes. If you mean trap or Loli Hentai, no.

I prefer hentai anime over hentai manga but this would be the type of Hentai manga I like. FYI the fluffy haired girl is Yukari akiyama and she is my waifu so pls no bully.


You're a very strange man... nothing wrong with that.. just sayin

I'm the result of what happens if you spend all your free time from age 14 to 20 on 4chan.

Eww, are you one of those douches that claim 4chan as a part of their identity?

No, I hardly ever go there anymore. It was a statement on how 4chan probably isn't good for your brain in you formative years.

Also Eww, are you one of those faggots who actually posts on Reddit about smash Bros and overwatch? I bet you eat ketchup you fucking 5 year old.


Tomato sauce you dirty yank bastards

I know what ketchup is, I just don't get the reference.

Den u shood catchup or sumptin

tss yeah he should look up cuz sumphin just flew over his head tss

Get out! 😡

Calm down, Florentine.

dumb plebbitor

Her cunt looks like a coin slot.

Genitals have to be censored in Japan, real or drawn.

If you put a few hundred-yen coins in there and clap twice you will be visited by great fortune.

I did. Hentai is the only medium that can get me laughing & cumming at the same time.

"his face looks like a girl, so it's all good" Most logic thing I heard this year.

We really should have dropped another one...

Congratulations! You are the 15th person to say that in 13 post.

It's not his fault he's an unoriginal douche, the comments don't update in real time. Right u/flip0pilf you fucking idiot.

I once heard that guy is a complete shithead.

It was a very honest response to the gentleman that called me out. I dont understand why it bothers you so much. especially a week or so ago after the comment was made.

Oh shut the fuck up, you stupid asshole

You remind me of the people that make up excuses to be mad at people that make fun of a girl they like. "It's not like I like her or anything, i just don't think it's funny when you make fun of her because of this other stuff". We all know you're a weeb.

Now, you were always interested in politics, I remember you talking about hitler in 33...

Sooo this shit and 4chan are pretty much why youth today aren't able to handle basically any emotion and is why they kill either themselves or their classmates, right?

Nah, as a youth myself. I don't know how to handle emotions because there's very good odds that I'm on the spectrum.

When I order pizza it's always Domino's online so I don't have to speak on the phone and I memorize my orders before I go to McDonald's so I don't fuck up and if I feel like I ordered too much food for one person I'll add two drinks to the order so the workers don't think I'm eating alone.

Sometimes I drive to two different stores to buy enough beer to get drunk cuz I don't want the cashier to think I'm an alcoholic. Sharing is caring.

That is a difference. People my age wear it as a badge of honor that they are buying a bunch of booze. They think it's cool to look like they are always partying. They are fags.

I'm guessing you're talking about younger people, but I've also noticed old geezers have a whole drunken culture, though they're usually irish.

I'll play serious for a sec. I'm in my late 30's, technically a millennial actually, but on the older border. What you describe is actually pretty common amongst folks my age. I was always the one that ordered pizza on the phone and got it at the door in college because all my roommates hated calling and interacting with the pizza guy. No way they were on the spectrum. I think it's just introversion or some other kind of avoidance of being an adult perhaps. Mom always did it for them probably. I write down my own order all the time just so I don't forget it or fuck it up at the drive through. I online order anything I can, but that's mostly because if I call they will fuck something up taking my order. I have thought in the past if I'm getting a lot of food to get more drinks to look like I'm buying for a bunch of people, but usually don't do it because I don't really care what the McDonald's fag/Mexican thinks. I know others that have thought that way too, like the Key and Peele episode with the fat guy ordering 5 pizzas and acting like he's having a party.

Anyway, I do think there is some odd sexual shit going on with the younger generations tho. Probably because they have had the internet available to them since birth and their parents don't care to censor it for them. I was working on my neighbor's computer (in his 20's) fixing it for him and found all kinds of anime porn and Furry porn. Something's wrong with you if you are jerking off to chicks with animal heads. He's on every modern med known to man and I could see him as a mass murderer. But I shouldn't judge.

Girls like Tomoko from Watamote are more Ant's speed.

Tomoko is a sweetheart and too good for Anthony

I dunno. She's a mess. Low self esteem, neglected, depressed, underdeveloped, easy to bribe with otaku shit. She's prime for someone like Anthony to manipulate.

You're a very strange man... nothing wrong with that.. just sayin

I'm the result of what happens if you spend all your free time from age 14 to 20 on 4chan.

Her cunt looks like a coin slot.