Things Twitter has done for Anthony Cumia

63  2017-04-23 by Crownenberg

  • Lost him his extremely easy 4 hour a day job that paid him millions
  • Shown him to be a miserable angry old wop, despite all his money and toys
  • Turned him into the bully victim of hundreds of autists
  • Turned him into a safe space baby boy who only wants to have his opinions reinforced

I can't wait for Anthony to get banned from Twitter because of his blatant racism. When it happens he'll blame niggers or snowflakes

But we'd never hear about it.

He can always come back here

he's already here, manipulating the hate brothaman

Kept him company on his vacation with his niece

Isn't that what most people do in Hawaii? Angrily tweet about black people and crime while holding an umbrella drink

I believe his last adult gf (that confirmed he was buying that man pretending to be a 12 year old amazon gifts) said he stares at his phone for twitter/reddit 24/7. Ahhh the life


It's kind of funny when you listen to him discover Twitter on the air in the old clips

Remember when Opie found Myspace and just wanted nothing to do with social media? Now he is insufferable with the medium.

"I don't do the whole fake internet friends thing..."

return to FM fails with abysmal ratings

"I gotta get my numbahs up brotherman"

"Yo Colin you on the Twitter?"

And they'd all purposely say "I twittered it" to let the truckers know, yeah I'm using this but I don't know anything about it.

Don't forget, that via his lover Sue's tweets to him, it exposed him as a closeted tranny enthusiast.

I love riding in your car!

"Car" is just a euphemism for ass, right?

Yes, it turns out that being in front of an audience 24 hours a days has exposed him as the terrible human being that he is.

The fourth one is nothing new and had nothing to do with twitter. As Bill Burr put it, he always just went to to back up any racial claims he made

In regards to the first one, I'll never understand why both of them were so misrable about the show in those last few years. I mean, I kind of get the fact that they had "turned into different people", blah, blah...still, find a way to make it work. Anthony should have been smiling every fuckin day he woke up and went into the city for O&A. For a former tin knocker to take his job for granted is just insane. I know he stated on the show that he was so grateful to not having to work a real job. However, his behavior and attitude during the last few years of the show indicate he completely forgot what a great gig he truly had.

I never understood it either.

They got to be multimillionaires for joking around and talking to celebrities for a tiny amount of hours each weekday; a TOTAL dreamjob. Yet, somehow, Opie was constantly angry and bitching, and Ant took it all for granted -- completely forgetting his redneck past.

You can almost look over Opie, as he never knew any better...what, with his high school yacht clubs, doing caddy service for the Mob, and getting into the easy radio gig at 18. But Ant KNEW better, as he came from the poor white trash side of things -- the typical life where you're working a piece of shit manual labor job and living from check-to-check with a ton of enslaving debt. He wins the lottery and gets out of that, and then pisses it away 'cause he thinks he's untouchable on Twitter.

What a Grade-A dumbfuck...

and Ant took it all for granted -- completely forgetting his redneck past.

I'd like to hear Ben Folds write a song about Cumio.

♫ Grew a mustache and an a job at Apollo air ♪♫

keith should have let him die 3 years ago

But then what would Keef and his wife do?

Good point.

When you're on the coattail gravy train, you don't want to do anything to interrupt it.

You have to welcome and embrace any detrimental side effects when you're crusading against the tide to provide real, raw, open, honest commentary about n-persons. Christ Cumio is the cyber martyr of our times.

How else would we know how much Anthony doesn't care about haters if he didn't tell us all the time on Twitter??


I love riding in your car!