Anybody here ever used Phenibut?

0  2017-04-23 by duranfarbissina

If so, thoughts? where we at with it? I think I'm gonna buy some online


Ya its pretty good, takes hours to fully kick in but lasts all day. Much better if you mix it with caffeine and alcohol than taking it alone but I haven't tried mixing it with anything else yet. Kind of like a very light version of mdma almost

Just don't take it more than a couple days a week. If you can control yourself, only take it a couple days a month. Less is more with that stuff.

Just don't mix it with kratom or you'll end up 6 feet under.

Slightly unrelated, is there a place online to get shrooms? I live in GA and Idk the first place to look.

Yeah, the dark net. You can get any drug you like delivered to your door, dingus. Failing that, go and pick some in the winter time, dingus.

Is it like Kratom? Idk man but Kratom is the shit

It's supposed to feel like a benzo