The most intolerant religion...

0  2017-04-23 by unclepaul84

...Is the global warming nuts. A group that's platform based on theory but if anyone discusses the actual facts they are an ignorant person that is morally inferior. Talk about brain washed idiots.


Them niggas make a lot of strong points

They are totally sure that Trump and humans are going to destroy the Earth. But can't understand the radical concept of two genders.

Watch out with that type of talk around here. There is a lot of faggots here that think fucking trannies is not gay.

It's still straight to wank to Bailey Jay every once in a while right?

The ice is melting bro

The day Japan goes underwater is the day I put a bullet in my brain.

And offer zero solutions to it anyways. Carbon tax will save us all. The EPA could spin the earth backwards and refreeze the ice caps if they only had a leader that believed in climate change.

I don't necessarily think everyone of them are nuts. Neil Degrass Tyson seems pretty cool and is calm in explaining his position.

The green house effect is real, its just a question of how fast degradation is occurring as well as what should be done.

Thankfully I'm probably going to die before global warming becomes a hindrance, so I'm filling up on exxon err day.

skeptical about climate change? They want you jailed. That's REAL science. Putting skeptics in jail. I hope a fucking goddamn asteroid strikes at the next climate change protest and takes that bowtie wearing faggot cunt Bill Nye out too.

I also want to see that pedo looking faggot dropped from the top of Nakatomi Plaza as well

No, it's Islam by a long shot.


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I have a feeling OP also says things like "evolution is just a theory" and "I didn't come from no monkey"

As much as i can agree that carbon taxes are bullshit and it is arguable that the earth creates plenty of CO2 on it's own i have always been pissed that they don't just attack the problems associated with the fossile fuel industry in general instead of using terms like global warming and climate change that completely lose a good portion of your audience when you utter them.

For example: pjpeline explosions and leaks that cause issues in the general area where they happen at a more and more frequent rate in recent years. The waste issues from the fracking industry. Oil spills that never get cleaned up properly, cancer and other related issues in heavily populated areas with more car and factory pollution... to name a point is that "global warming" is a distaction to the fact that there are actually real things we can do to change shit up. They want to keep us arguing about wether or not it is real instead of fine tuning the clean options. Sure some of the clean energy options may not be as efficient as they could be at the moment but they could be fine tuned....especially when you consider the millions upon millions they give the gas and oil industry in subsidies. Think about what we could figure out if that money was put into devoloping the other options.

I forgot to mention why all of the above matters in regards to global warming...these are the major contributing factors to alleged global warming and global warming is up for debate amongst some still so my point is that there are plenty of issues in the fossile fuel industry and we should get away from them. However the main stream media will never address these issues since they depend on advertising money and other investors (in some cases the parent companies) ect.... i was half asleep earlier....anyways the government is lies son.

They are totally sure that Trump and humans are going to destroy the Earth. But can't understand the radical concept of two genders.