Patton Oswalt's wife was close to catching a California based serial killer right before she died.

44  2017-04-22 by TonyFromLongIsland



Was her latest break in the case that the serial killer was a mediocre comic who was a periphery character on a mediocre sitcom?

Hey man, I liked King of Queens.



Why don't you say 'mediocre' one more time you beacon of creativity.

I doubt she was even close to catching him, people are just pumping up her "hard work" now that shes dead.

Had to have been doing a shitty job if you dont make the connection that the killer is your fucking father-in-law. The fuck was she waiting for?

If that's the case, then the police should interview this serial killer to see if he had anything to do with the murder

Drunk housewife hobby detectives catch serial killers all the time.

Are you saying dumb fat housewives rarely turn their obsession with the Serial podcast into being a crimefighter?

I hope she can crack the case, even with her arch nemesis Middle Aged Obesity And Vodka And Fenatyl around every corner.

She turned to drugs to hide the pain of googling and wrist pain after several hours of small sips of wine

Two regular people in California fucking around did solve a couple of the Zodiac's cyphers, and was one of the few breaks they had in the case.

(Even though they ultimately caught the fuck.)

They solved the first one, big deal. If they're so hot to trot I like them to come decipher Rich Vos at Uncle Vinnies on the 29th.

I wonder if the cocktail of drugs she was taking at all enhanced her surely formidable detective skills. She must've been a regular Fat Columbo.

Her story is Being spun into a lifetime movie.

Mother, May I Sleep With Fatass

Tubby cunt: portrait of a drug addict detective

Fat Lieutenant

They did make the best lesbian couple.

she was getting close to the killer, very close, infact she was living with him & he got her!

I just love that the manic episodes of some cokehead who OD'd on fentanyl still get presented as her doing 'research' and 'working'. Of course she was obsessed with one retarded task, she was a druggie on a shit load of uppers.

She was doing coke and OD'd the strongest Opioid out there? I didn't do any research on her death, I thought it was just a heart attack because she was fat and in poor health.

Edit - She was on Adderall, Xanax, and fent.


at least she had good taste in something

But did she?


Drug Den! Patton Oswalt’s Late Wife Hid Cocaine, Painkillers, Party Pills & More Crime writer Michelle McNamara led a dangerous secret life. hough she was a dedicated crime writer and doting mom, actor Patton Oswalt’s wife led a secret life of drug use before her shocking overdose death.

Michelle McNamara was surrounded by uppers, downers, painkillers, cocaine — and even a substance similar to ecstasy — in the private drug den of the family’s lavish Los Angeles home on April 21, 2016, can exclusively reveal.

According to the autopsy papers exclusively obtained by Radar, the 46-year-old had prescription bottles of Bupropion, an antidepressant, Cefdinir, an antibiotic, and Naproxen, an anti-inflammatory drug. All were prescribed to McNamara.


A prescription bottle missing a label was filled with Xanax. While speaking the cops, Oswalt, 48, claimed the medication belonged to him.

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But in more sinister findings, officials called to the death scene found TFMPP, or Legal X, a recreational drug often sold as an alternative to MDMA, or ecstasy. The pill was embossed with a lightning bolt, and was hidden inside a small plastic bag tucked away inside a larger bag.

In additional, they discovered cocaine and levamisole, a dewormer for livestock often mixed with the hard drug, inside a small brown vial, also covered in a plastic bag.

Officials also found painkillers oxycodone and hydrocodone, and Dextroamphetamine, a dangerous stimulant that can lead to psychosis and heart failure.

The painkillers and stimulants were NOT prescribed to the mother of one.

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Lab reports indicated that her blood tested presumed positive for benzodiazepines, fentanyl, and various kinds of opiates.

As Radar previously reported, McNamara died from multiple drug toxicity, specifically fentanyl, alprazolam and amphetamine toxicity.

She left behind her comedian husband of 11 years, and a 7-year-old daughter.

"Uppas, downas, screama's....she did it awll." - Leon

'hey, you got sum - whacky tabacky?'

If you're quoting Christopher Walken in At Close Range, you have an IOU from me for one free kiss, redeemable any time.

Heya boys - LOOKING GOOD - i gotta meeting tonight - with some - important friends - I was wondaarin - if you boyss- could help yo daddy out - with some whacky tobacky

Yes I'm currently listening to the episode of Opie and Anthony with patrice and Jay Mohr. Don't judge me.

Im judging you positively, I fucking love that movie. It could be the best hair cut and mustache of the entire 80s. I named my first podcast "Lookin GOOD Radio," after that one line. Because I love the wife's unenthused reaction to it, and the utter insincerity of it from Walken. At Close Range rules. It's a true story too, that's so fucked up.

She caught him on her wedding day