The New Nightmare on Elm Street is coming out this weekend.

8  2017-04-21 by McGowan9


Why the fuck does he take such girly photos? "ohhh look at my skin (:", fucking faggot

Could you imagine your father sitting around doing this shit? Christ.

Last Christmas my aunt (father's sister) told him he should start a Facebook account "to stay in touch with family." My dad laughed in her face and poured another bourbon. Never been prouder of the old grouch.

Dvv dvv dvv

I'm sure he was very pro law enforcement when those pigs were hauling his black ass in for domestic abuse.

He and Joe could be in a Proud Boys tribute band.

Is he in vacation? Can we expect drunken racist ranting on Twitter at 3am again??

Answer yes

His official lifeguard t shirt must be in the wash

A lot people think Anthony is a dumb nigger.

A lot of people might be right

Fuchative Enforcement! "Yes, hello? I'd like to turn myself in."

actually the swelling from Ants alcoholism seems to be covering up the craters a bit...good for him

What's the difference between Anthony and the Elephant Man?

The Elephant Man had enough self awareness not to take pics of himself and post them.

One, Two Anthony's comin for you. Three, Four He fucks a tranny whore Five, Six He likes to suck Sue's dick Seven, Eight Ant's just not straight Nine, Ten Never Sleep Again