Before the cat shit incident and camera theft, before Dani, Ant was on YKWD with his current flame, Missy. A photo of Wil Sylvince's apparently giant schlong was brought out. Missy nearly strains her neck trying to get a look. Do you think Sylvince banged her while Ant was with Dani?

0  2017-04-21 by McGowan9


I don't see why not.

That's not her. Or is that the bit?

It is. Behind the annoying chick on mic.

I know who you mean but that doesn't look like the same girl. Why do you think they're the same person?

They're both called Missy, though it's dark they do look alike and Anthony's hardly got them lining up at his door. The one on the video is the one who stole from him and put his keys in Beavis' shit. Several people have said muppet mouth is the same girl. Maybe I'm wrong but I sure hope not.

It's Missy. There is no bit. Robert Kelly made a big deal on this show about how hot she was. I never could figure out why Anth would risk loss of access to that top shelf pussy to go with that skank Dani. The really odd thing is Anth wound up back with Missy shortly after he went out with Flutesy.