Jim sounds like he's whining about Gronk because he's jealous

0  2017-04-20 by greeneyedunicorn2


Naw, I'm with him. I'm sick to death of Gronks antics, it's obnoxious how he just acts like a stereotypical dumb jock and the media runs with it as if he's just this precocious little scamp.

Agreed, annoying as fuck.

Might be jealous that Gronk is a successful party boy while Jimmy has to wear a respirator near Purel.

But I'm with him, sick of the retard frat boy shtick, and completely fed up with Mammy Robertson's obsession with muscly, retarded manchildren.

Talking about Gronk is not talking about Norton...which is why he whines.

Gronk means pecka in Australia, took a few times looking at the title to get it together.