How you think Jim, Ron, CQ, etc. feel after subbing for Ant while he was in rehab and now Ant is drinking again?

6  2017-04-20 by [deleted]

I have a few buds that tried and failed ... never held it against them


I'm pretty sure they all knew it was bullshit rehab

Man going to rehab to avoid jail isn't a serious attempt. He came back with a suntan

Yes, of course he agreed to go, but he didn't decide he needed to go.

Ron knew he wasn't taking it seriously. He shot him a few "fuck you" stares when Anthony was treating it as comedy on his final episode before going. Jim is probably dumb enough to believe him and probably giddy about being his AA sponsor.

"Bobby knows he'll stop eating cheesecake in the bathtub before Ant stops drinking."

~ that shit is golden, BRS.

Everything I write is brothaman.

Yeah, Ron knew for sure that it was bullshit. I really think Jim thought it was for real. At the very least, it was very obvious he wanted it to be real. Naive worm.

id go to rehab to avoid jail, i dont see what the big deal is

Bennington & Colin seemed to keep hold of perspective, but all other 12-steppers seem to put undue importance on their sobriety - no-one cares! Drink/Dont drink, no-one cares!!!!

Your wife Lisa is ugly


I'm such a hardcore super addict that if i have a bite of rumcake within minutes I'll be injecting rumcake into my eyeball.... just to feel normal

I think Jim is the only one who thought it could be real. Naive worm.

"That's our Ant!"

And then the credits rolled
