REMINDER: Fear the reaper

37  2017-04-20 by YouAintGotToLieCraig


I thought child piss kept one youthful and spry? Not fat bald and delusional.

those Cumios have tries, piss, spit and cum. maybe the elixir of youth is a hopeless cause

No you misunderstand the purpose. It's purely for sexual reasons.

Do you think real bikers see him and laugh their asses off and then run his Kawasaki motorcycle off the road?

No, they have great respect for Joe and his great gazoo helmet.

I really hope some Pagans take exception to his New York patch and cave his skull in with a MagLite.

I don't know if he's trying to be a badass, or posting a pic to Grindr

You know for the longest time I thought SAMCRO Joe was a joke because he wears a lot of biker stuff. No. This motherfucker actually walks around with patches from a fictional biker gang and thinks it makes him look tough.

and drives a gucci edition fiat 500.

That belongs to anthony

There's probably 50 real motorcycle clubs on Long island he could join and hang out with people just like him: old guys on Honda's cosplaying as tough biker dudes.

Valentine is done Here but now they're gone Bro Joe and Anthony Are together in eternity, Bro Joe and Anthony ... 40, 000 boys and girls everyday, Forced to drink spit and be gay 40, 000 boys and girls everyday, Redefine sadnessss Another 40, 000 coming everyday, We can be like they are

Valentine is done Here but now they're gone. Bro Joe and Anthony Are together in eternity. Bro Joe and Anthony ... .. 40, 000 boys and girls everyday, Forced to drink spit and be gay. 40 000 boys and girls everyday. Redefine sadnessss. Another 40, 000 coming everyday, We can be like they are.

Look at him coyly showing you what stall he'll be power bottoming at. Serious what other senior citizen is proud of a fake biker shirt? It embarrassing.

also that show was cool like what, 4 years ago now?

If it ever truly was.

It was nevel coor but it had Lon Pealrman and he's arways herra coor with his big funny head.

Do you just ctrl F and replace all R's and L's with L's and R's?

No I Chinese and that's how I speak. Youl lacist?

What a fucking loser

What a bad motherfucker!

Member when Joe said he like to meet one of us in the octagon lol

He is hoping we are all teenagers so that he can grab the spit bucket and run

Nice of Brother Joe to share this tender gloryhole moment with everyone.

This is the gayest picture I've ever seen.

What's his other hand doing? Looks like it's on his cock (probably lubed up with children spit he scooped out of the sink)

Does he actually believe he's part of a fictional biker gang? Is he that sad and stupid? These are rhetorical questions by the way.

I cannot describe how much I hate this cunt

All joking aside, I honestly think Joe has sub-normal intelligence.

He's giving you his sexy smirk...

"riding through the"

Bad to the bone


Preteens do fear the reaper, what with the spit, the cum, and the shame. C'mon baby.

Fawk yeah

is this faggot for real?

Elderly pockmarked cosplaying spaghetti nigger.

He's a fag who lives off his brothers money and drinks saliva from children on his block

Seriously, who takes a fucking selfie in what appears to be a public bathroom. Yes, that will solidify the tough biker guy image he is trying to pull off. Cause you know tough bikers let their kid brother fuck their daughter in law

This chump wears hand me down clothes from his younger brother. LOLQ

those Cumios have tries, piss, spit and cum. maybe the elixir of youth is a hopeless cause

No you misunderstand the purpose. It's purely for sexual reasons.