Here's the deal folks

0  2017-04-19 by fecesinyourvagina

You are fucking all cucks.

You are the antifa faggots we see getting BTFO in all of the videos.

You are reddit faggots and deserve nothing less than to die at the end of a nigger's barrel.


  1. reddit superiority. dear god you numale bearded faggots are as delusional as you are hungry to drain the nigger's cum out of your "S.O (le epic meme)'s" anus

  2. Anthony's racist. (only a faggot nigger redditor would have an issue with something that's been known about for 20+ years)

  3. Calling the shows to virtue signal for your fucking homo fuckbuddies on this degenerate site

  4. Brother Joe hate - please explain how he is a coattail grabber and leech 90000 more times please??

  5. PECKAS/chip impressions - its completely unfunny when jimmy does it and yet even less funny when you faggots do it, hows that even possible.

REMINDER: you fucking libtard shill cucks are cancer, kill youself and rid society of the fucking disease that is you group of rimjobbing dickbois

daily wish for you to die. daily wish for your families to die in a fire.

reminder that you suck and need to die

finally i hate you. eat shit niggers.

le edit - (26/324)


eat shit niggers

I only eat the best ones

someones all worked up with no where to go.

I dont understand the point or motive but i must admit that doesnt keep me from reading each post of yours

Is this Brother Joe or Ant?

Now that you "won" your court case, do you feel better Joe? How much child spit can you buy with $500?

Be more hardcore please

You were naked and masturbating as you typed this weren't you?

I really enjoy this guy. Poignant social commentary and a real take-no-prisoners attitude.

This guy is quickly becoming my favorite poster.

Been here 2 years. Only commented once. It's an alt.

Whooooooaaaa you're angry.