Problematic w/ Moshe Kasher= Fuck Whitey

40  2017-04-19 by The-Lunger

I volunteered earlier to take one for the team and watch Comedy Central's latest pile of horse shit and let the sub know how it went. There's no review needed. Here's a direct quote from a guest half way through the show: "I think that white people as a whole are the devils of society......"


its about time we had a conversation about race from a reasoned perspective

Shut yo mouth white devil

I've never seen anything like it before. It's what a black guy must feel like when he sees a white guy going DANCE BOY DANCE in some 1940's film reel.

Well I assume he would feel like dancing

Whenever I want to see good dancing I pull out my kazoo on the subway, they can't stop themselves.

Of course, anyone who thought the show would be anything other than that is an idiot

I'll be honest, Moshe seemed very reasonable when he was on Jim and Sam. I actually thought that maybe the show would be at least kind of even handed.

You'd just have to look through his twitter to see his just the typical LA faggot

This guy actually exists? I thought that OP just made up some hypothetical caricature like "happy merchant".

tss... I'd like to MASHE his face into shards of broken glass or somethin.

I always thought he's some bert kreischer looking mfer

Oy vey! It's 8 in the morning here, I genuinely didn't need that to start the day.

You go realize that every single one of these faggots claims to be reasonable, right? They NEVER are.

I can't believe they said "slippery slope" twice with an Asian on stage.

Vurry good sniff "snoowwaaayyyy!"

Shout out.

I like how someone can say that and people kind of just nod their heads and take it seriously.

Say it for any other race and suddenly people are heroes if they sucker-punch you in the side of the head.

Keep it up, folks. Trump 2020 isn't that far away.

It's frightening. I'm quite liberal, I loathe trump and the alt right, but man alive as a white guy when can I not see this kind of shit as a personal attack? I know this show doesn't speak for many people but I can see people blowing this out of the water.

We're told we're not supposed to take insanely insulting remarks like that as personal attacks. But then we're language-policed so hard that even the slightest mistake gets you branded "As bad as Hitler."

I didn't vote for Trump because I think he's a fucking retard with no idea what he's doing. But I absolutely understand the gut reaction that some white people have to say "fuck you" to cunty liberals.

I think for me personally, a vote/continued support for trump isnt a fuck you to all liberals. I actually lean left on quite afew issues. It was a fuck you to all the fake, guilty white people who feel the need to constantly apologize for all the "wrong doings" of the white race as a whole. The people who call me racist for saying that institutionalized racism is bullshit, and call me sexist for saying the wage gap doesnt exist. Guilty white people and guilty white men are the ones who deserve a fucking hollow point to the brain stem. The hypocrisy is literally fucking staggering, they do nothing but fucking rip on Catholic and Christian people for being regressive and close minded and stupid for believing in god. Yet at the same time they so blindly support the Islamic faith which is 1000% more regressive than Catholicisim ever has been at its worst. Its blatant stupidity.

It was a fuck you to all the fake, guilty white people who feel the need to constantly apologize for all the "wrong doings" of the white race as a whole. The people who call me racist for saying that institutionalized racism is bullshit, and call me sexist for saying the wage gap doesnt exist. Guilty white people and guilty white men are the ones who deserve a fucking hollow point to the brain stem. The hypocrisy is literally fucking staggering, they do nothing but fucking rip on Catholic and Christian people for being regressive and close minded and stupid for believing in god. Yet at the same time they so blindly support the Islamic faith which is 1000% more regressive than Catholicisim ever has been at its worst.

So liberals?

But then we're language-policed so hard that even the slightest mistake gets you branded "As bad as Hitler."

It's so lazy and effortless when you understand it. Most people were PC throughout the 90s and 2000s and kept any controversial opinions to themselves. They were "behaving". The left had won. But that stopped being what they wanted. What they wanted was for people to "misbehave" so they could go back on their witchhunts, which they loved because they made them feel better about themselves.

So they raised the minimum required sensitivity level up and up and up until it would be impossible for everyone to reach it.

They don't want a better world. They used to, in the middle of last century. Now they just want a world where they get to be high on the ladder, relative to .... anyone, really. Whoever they can be. Whoever's there.

Why? They'll never face it but it's because they have the same shit animal DNA everybody else has.

The best is explaining why you feel offended and seeing the looks on people's faces who couldn't care less. The irony is lost on most of them. And even if you can get people to admit it's wrong it's usually followed up with a "that's what you get" attitude. It's so fucked up and weird it's making me withdraw more and more from keeping up with politics and current event events. The more you try to explain it the more you look like a whining sjw.

Its literally as if the left expects us to kneel down and beg for forgiveness for being born a white man. And they want us to apologize and bend iver backwards to not offend anyone because were heterosexual, white men.

You had be up until heterosexual

Im not even bashing gay people man, Im just saying the only people that you can make assholes of without getting crucified are heterosexual white men.

I'm saying we're all gay

that's the bit!

I'm a liberal too, so square this with me: (white) racism is making individual people of a race responsible and representative of that entire race; but 'minorities' can just say fuck whitey cause slavery and vague anecdotes of institutional discrimination?

Equal treatment under the law, not stratified law for an equality of outcome. Thanks.

You loathe trump?!?! FUCKKK YOU LIBTARD.

Nah just kidding, we can get along ;)

So whats the endgame here gang? If its to have a minority(?) on every publicly traded corporation? Or to have dual representation by the media, entertainment and your local coffee house?

Because the hatred of the college educated white male aint prying them from their CEO seats...its all still status quo, who gives a care if Chelsea Handler doesnt like it. Theyre not hiring her...

White people are at the top of society, and above average in many significant categories and don't need to justify our existence by dragging people down to a level that suits us. It has to be absolutely infuriating as a non-white, watching us walk through life without a care in the world, while they are struggling to keep up.

Alright take it down a notch, Gran Torino.

Asians, Indians (separate category though still technically Asian) and Jews outperform whitey on all quality of life measures: income, education, home ownership, crime victimization rates, incarceration rates, etc. If white people were such a powerful monolith, how did we let several ethnic groups outperform us in our own country? If we kept blacks and Mexicans down, how did we fail to keep the others down? If you try to apply rationality to this ideology, it falls apart immediately, which is why they rely almost exclusively on emotional appeals to make their arguments.

Yeah but Asians and Indians aren't white, they're already ten steps behind

This guys good


Nigga you are posting on a Bhutanese shadow market bidding interface in the middle of the night. You didn't set shit.

I don't know what you're talking about but you said nigga so i assume you're black and cool

White people are the devil of society. Sure we invented almost everything of value in making the planet more civilized. Here's a short list of inventions by race:

Notable black inventions:

Toy water canon, Motown, coffee

Notable East Asian inventions:

Toothbrush, gun powder, gunpowder artillery (cannon), coal-burning heat, magnetic compass, silk, paper, noodle, block printing, porcelain, mechanical clock, abacus calculator, paper money

Notable Arab inventions:

Algebra (debatable)

Notable Aboriginal (Australia) inventions:


Notable Aboriginal (Americas) inventions:

Tobacco cultivation and processing, corn cultivation

Notable white inventions:

aerosol can, air conditioning, automotive airbag, airplane, airship, alphabet (Yep. Phoenicians were white.), American sign language, animation (films), answering machine, amusement park, aspartame, aspirin, assembly line, astrolabe, AstroTurf, audiotape, ATMs, automobile, asphalt pavement, prepared baby food, flat-bottomed paper bag, Bakelite, ball bearing, balloon, adhesive bandage, bar code, barbed wire, barometer, battery, bicycle, blood bank, home freezer, blow dryer, atomic energy applications, Braille system, bra, bread slicing machine, button, buttonhole, calculator, calculus, Gregorian calendar, flee collar, camcorder, camera, movie camera, tin can, can opener, candle, canning, carbon-14 dating, cardboard and corrugated, cash register, cat litter, mail-order catalog, cellophane, cement, concrete, cereal flakes, chewing gum, chocolate candy, chronometer, pendulum clock, quartz clock, cloning, drip coffee, Styrofoam decaf coffee, coins, compact disc (CD), computed tomography (CT scan, CAT scan), digital computer, laptop computer, network television, adhesive labels, personal computer, reinforced concrete, latex comdum, geometry, contact lenses, oral contraceptives, hybrid corn, bologna, White Out, grocery coupon, crayons, cream separator, credit card, crossword puzzle, DDT, defibulator, dentures, metal detector, smoke alarm, artificial diamond, disposable diaper, DVD, dishwasher, DNA fingerprinting, doughnut, revolving door, drinking fountain, movie theaters, dry cleaning, fabric elastic, bottle caps, cigarettes, electric chair, electrocardiogram (EKG), electroencephalogram, e-mail, subway, passenger elevator, encyclopedia, air brakes, internal combustion engine, jet engine, liquid-fueled rocket engine, steam engine, escalator, eyeglasses, fax, fiber optics, fiberglass, paper envelopes, photographic film, dynamite, adhesive glue, steel suspension bridge, Venetian blinds, portable flashlight battery, baggies, multiple vitamin, vacuum flask, food processor, freeze-dried foods, oxygen tank, frozen foods, magic markers, antifreeze, transistor radio, Fresnel lens, fuel cell, genetic engineering, tissue paper dress pattern, Gieger counter, “drive-through” window, glass, safety glass, greeting card, guillotine, electric guitar, chain saw, wire coat hanger, helicopter, holography, hypodermic syringe, fluoridation in vitro fertilization, ink, insulin extraction and preparation, integrated circuit, Internet, electric iron, food irradiation, jeans, JELLO-O, jukebox, Kevlar, Kool-Aid, laser, laundromat, gas-powered lawn mower, Lego, incandescent light bulb, fluorescent ligh bulb, ligh-emitting diode (LED), linoleum, tube lipstick, FedEx and UPS, liquid crystal display (LCD), lock and key, flip-top cans, chlorofluorocarbon (Freon), locomotive, longbow, GPS technology, soda pop, loudspeaker, voice mail, modern hang gliders, electric fence, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), margarine, friction matches, metric system, microphone, microscope, microwave oven and other applications, wet suit, American baseball, Google, weed eater, miniature golf, golf, glass mirror, guided missile, supermarkets, musket, mobile home, electrical tape, electric wire, paper money, refrigerated trucks, Monopoly board game, Morse code, heart transplant, electric motor, outboard motor, motorcycle, computer mouse, books (codex), Muzak, nail, necktie, neon light, compressed rubber, nuclear reactor, nylon, oil lamp, oil well, tinfoil, nail clippers, pacemaker, paper clip, paper towel, modern parachute, concentrated fruit drinks, parking meter, hearing aid, particle accelerator, mustard (ancient Rome) pasteurization, modern universities, central community electric utilities, ballpoint pen, pencil, periodic table, plastic, snerf balls, personal watercraft (motor boat), petroleum jelly, plastic garbage bag, phonograph, photocopying, photography, Wikipedia, bluegrass music, WD-40, instant photography, digital photography, human genome sequencing, alternating current applications, astro turf, direct current applications, Play Doh, steel plow, pocket watch, polyethylene, King James Bible, polygraph, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Post-It Notes, potato chips, movable type, Prozac, radar, radio, car radio, symphony orchestra, rayon, psychology (ancient Egypt), naval jelly, modern psychology and psychoanalysis electric razor, safety razor, mechanical reaper, LP records, refrigerator, TV remote control, hot dog, respirator, Frisbee, catsup, revolver, Richter scale, assault rifle, republic, roller coaster, Big Bird and Sesame St. characters, vulcanized rubber, basketball, American football, rubber band, Facebook, saccharin, cattle prod, Teflon, riding saddle, safety pin, vacuum tubes, wax paper, flares, communication satellite, saxophone Scotch tape, car seat belt, sewing machine, anthropology (Aristotle), Mars and moon land rover, shoelaces, silicone, skateboard, ice skates, roller skates, tooth paste (Greeks), snow ski, steel-frame skyscraper, slot machine, snowmobile, soap, discount stores, carbonated soft drinks, sonar, postage stamps, windshield wipers, pickle, alternate speed windshield wipers, stapler, water treatment, steamboat, mass-produced steel, polyester, stainless steel, stereophonic sound recording, cloud seeding, stethoscope stock ticker, stock market, stocks, electric stove, gas stove, drinking straw, submarine, sunglasses, sunscreen, supermarket, music synthesizer, drywall, synthetic skin, military tank, tea bag, teddy bear, Teflon, telegraph, telephone, mobile telephone, telescope, television, thermometer, thermostat, threshing machine, pneumatic tire, rubber processing, tissue paper, toilet paper, flush toilet, tractor, transistor, traffic lights, typewriter, ultrasound imaging, vaccination, electric vacuum cleaner, Velcro, video game, video recorder, videotape, virtual reality, vision correction laser, electric washing machine, wheel, wheelchair, windmill, rickshaw, Wold Wide Web, digital wristwatch, X-ray, Zamboni, zipper, corn syrup and other corn derivatives, man on the moon, etc.

You're the problem.

Still better than being the niggers of society.

All people suck. White people do the worst shit cause white people are in power. Any other race would be just as bad

It's 2017, what are white people doing right now that's so terrible? I know it's becoming a tired cliche, but I would love to see one of these whiny hipsters move to ANY Middle Eastern country and see how they enjoy it. Maybe they can flee to Africa and get their arms chopped off for accepting a vaccine. I also love that their view of a utopia is America becoming more like Sweden, a place filled with white people who are currently regretting letting in Syrian refugees. It's just nonsense.

Or the "free the nipple" crowd could head to places that practice "female circumcision" so they can learn what a cause worth fighting for really is. Showing your tits in public wont see like as big a deal when they get their clits cut off.

I'll stick up for the blacks in this country but I have absolutely no tolerance or love for the religious zealots and their pedo god

I'll stick up for the blacks

Well holy shit look at the savior complex on you. How's that Whit Man's burden coming along?


America is by far the least racist country in the fucking world, hands down. These people believe things that you could only believe out of complete ignorance of what the rest of the world is like. Even most European countries are more racist than the US; this kowtowing to minorities is a uniquely anglospheric phenomenon. In Italy, if the gypsies wear out their welcome in your town, get a band of guys together with bats and let them know they're not welcome. In Russia and the middle east, they don't even let Africans in, and the few who make it through get denied employment and housing and get told it's because they're black. Every few months there's a story about a mob of Russians beating the shit out of African immigrants. Even in the African countries with large white and Asian populations, the non-blacks have all the wealth and any time blacks get anything it's through government theft from whites and Asians and the blacks piss it away in weeks. There's a documentary about Asians in Africa and they interviewed an Asian business owner who bitches for 30 minutes about how the Africans destroyed all the infrastructure the white colonialists left them, and that all the blacks he employs spend their entire paychecks in 2 days and come to work begging to borrow money because they spent it all on booze. This is an Asian guy living in Africa trying to run a business. When you can't even be the richest or most successful group in a country where you're 95%+ of the population, maybe it's time to stop blaming other people for your condition. If you count up all the welfare black have gotten since the end of slavery, it's something like $2 trillion. If that doesn't count as reparations, what would?

Bingo. In my eastern euro country there's supposedly around 2000 muslims out of ~5mil people and Islam is not even recognized as official religion. To register a religion you need 20 000 signatures and i guess our government considered these two numbers too close so they recently raised the signature amount required to 60 000 as a fuck you to the carpet pilots.

Also mainstream attitude towards gypsies here would lead towards concentration camps real fucking quick if we weren't pretending to be civilized EU members and it wouldn't fuck up our trade and shit.

The US is a multiracial utopia compared to most of Europe.

Carpet pilots is a good one


lol reparations definitively isn't breaking off crumbs every month, they woulda received that money up front so they can actually not be poor and potentially invest. And your documentary might be true but it sounds biased and anecdotal. You sound like you have an agenda sir. This world is all about opportunities and a little bit of luck which it's impossible to argue that blacks have received as much of as whites. Segregation just ended 2-3 generations ago, that's not a lot of time to build legacies and empires.

Cant build a legacy if you dont raise your kids

You're talking about American blacks and their "dire" situation compared to whites here, but the truth is American blacks have the highest living standards of any blacks in the world. The theory that "if whitey had just left them alone, they'd be more advanced by now" ignores the fact that there are many African countries with near-100% black populations with no history of colonialism or white intervention and those are the worst places in the world. And you know which African countries are the most livable? The ones with the most non-blacks and most recent colonial histories. If colonialism was so horrible for the natives, and whitey was just raping Africa and it's people for its riches, then why are the former colonies of Africa the only marginally livable parts of Africa?

Why did Detroit go from an industrial center of America (when it was run by the white minority) to a bombed out 3rd world hellhole in just 2 generations? Is it whitey's fault that when we gave them their own city with a racial monopoly on political power, majority status, control over the police and government institutions, free education, endless welfare, and ridiculously outsized black union influence on private industry, within 40 years they turned a modern, industrious city into a crime-ridden, impoverished hellscape? Is the fact that Detroit, and only Detroit, has to routinely go to the state capital to beg for money to save the city from bankruptcy on a yearly basis totally unrelated to the demographic changes in that city? Does anyone - even you - really believe that the same things could have happened if it was still controlled by whites, or that whites are somehow to blame for the condition if Detroit?

If you remove blacks from the statistical measurements of America and look only at whites, Asians, Jews, etc., America has a per capita GDP, average income, average education level, etc. of the best of Europe, on par with Sweden, for instance. The best way to think of it is that the US has a mid-sized welfare-dependent African nation living within its borders, that is by far a net drain on the wealth of the surrounding white country when you account for welfare, prison, entitlement, healthcare and education spending, for which all but a tiny minority of them take from way, way more than they pay into. If you picked up the entire population of Somalia and dropped it into the middle of Switzerland and told the Swiss, "hey, these Somalis never asked to come here. They're your problem, now", then suddenly Switzerland wouldn't be topping so many international rankings of quality of life. And they'd probably start rethinking that whole "generous welfare state based on personal responsibility" thing they've got now.

There are only two responses to that. Either you say fuck you like a butt hurt victim. Or you act like a white supremacist who shrugs his shoulders and say, yeah, so what? To the victor goes the spoils. We are the conquerors. You are beggars pleading for our mercy.


I loved her in Star Trek.

(((they))) have been stirring up racial conflicts for their own profit for eons. This is just another chapter.

yeah except all the conflict is directed towards one race

Leftists are imploding

My bad takyon, I didn't mean to schumer you

Is it bad enough to watch ironically or hate watch?

I've been considering checking it out.

i thought it was a joke 4chan title based on the name.

If you can't get enough Moshe Kasher, you can always listen to his podcast

Its hard to believe at one time Comedy Central was my favorite channel. They used to have shows with legit good comics, they had Tough Crowd with CQ and the gang, Chappelle, Dave Attell had Insomniac and a bunch of other shows, Greg Giraldo, Nick and Patrice were regularly doing stand-up and the roasts. There was crazy shit like Strangers with Candy (even though Colbert is a fag these days) and Reno 911. Now every fucking show is less about being funny and more about showing whos the most brave and courageous with their takedowns of Evil Donald Trump! Basically BuzzFeed outrage of the day articles as tv shows. Such pandering fucking dogshit.

The only stuff I can stand to watch on their awful network anymore is South Park and Tosh. Tosh obviously isn't great but I'll take anything I can get that doesn't follow the pc faggot rules apparently every comedian thats on tv is supposed to follow these days. He's constantly making racist, sexist, homophobic jokes so hes ONE OF THE GOOD ONES as far as Comedy Central personalities goes.

Perfect example of when you put a woman in charge of something

reno is adult swim, which was also awesome and now sucks shit


Reading this made me more sympathetic to the Alt Right than the Richard Spencer speech at Auburn I watched today.

What a fucking disappointment, I was hoping to see some antifa get knocked out.

"Kasher in the Rye: The True Tale of a White Boy from Oakland Who Became a Drug Addict, Criminal, Mental Patient, and Then Turned 16"

Pretty much 99% of what he is using in his life was invented by the "whitey"

This is where all the white supremacists are located huh? You people can keep pretending your counter culture shit is edgy because the limited discussion that the left and right do on the surface but deeper down there is a default racist system so its not all white people, its people on the top who have orchestrated ppl to be in the conditions they are in and when someone speaks out about the white supremacist alt right in a mainstream platform its limited for ppl like you to backlash and act like the victims... and the reason why other countries are shit holes is because white people at the top have helped make it happen... not regular joe blow ... and who is to say any of you are just victims and not pretending to be so you seem like regular people but are still shilling in a conservative think tank ....

and the reason why other countries are shit holes is because white people at the top have helped make it happen...

Jews aren't White. Nice try, bud.

Yes there are white zionists

thermite white paint ?

Those are called Shabbos Goy.

No one likes u

Same goes to you guys which is why you guys are obsessed w trolling ppl who dont share your views and then complain that whitey is the victim

Ur gay

Dont worry something tells me you guys know who I am since you are government shills and you will bombard me in my platform later on. You guys havent made it as obvious that this is an alt right haven since Trump got elected kiddo

No one likes u

No one likes u

No one likes u

No one likes u

No one likes u

No one likes u

No one likes u

No one likes u

No one likes u

N person

This show will be cancelled in less than a month hopefully.

Can't say I disagree.

(((Wow, what a surprise)))

Oy vey!




These cunts are desensitizing people to all their own causes.

"Racist" and "Sexist" don't mean shit anymore. "Nazi" is steadily losing its power.

Antifa fags are normalizing violence at political protests - and got their waifish asses handed to them as a result.

They're imploding and it's fucking beautiful.

Nazi is the new N word.

What's up mah nazi

isn't Nick Mullen involved in this shit?

Yeah, I turned it on for a couple minutes. It didn't even seem like a comedy show. They were discussing a black man who got in trouble for having dreadlocks. The whole show is nothing but cherry picking news stories to race bait. Which is incredibly awkward since the host is so stereo typically Jewish looking, and part of their stereotype is their divide and conquer technique.

comedy central is hanging on by a South Park thread.

Comes from a family of communist Jews, majored in Jewish studies, and hates white people. Kevin MacDonald wrote a whole book about this.

Also married a dried out husk who was already passed around the comedy community and publicly cheats on every dude she is with

He's a cuck, he has the face of a guy that would let a dude fuck his wife in front of him.

why are jews doing this? don't they know how this turns out?

This asshole getting a full hour on Jim and Sam is what you cunts get for complaining about wrestlers as guests.

and that quote was from a white jew

look what ya did ya little jerk

I'm not even sure what I did but it's the last time I try to help my fellow PECKAHS. I've used this quote from Homer for years but occasionally I forget to stick to it.

I'm saying we're all gay

that's the bit!

Ur gay

Dont worry something tells me you guys know who I am since you are government shills and you will bombard me in my platform later on. You guys havent made it as obvious that this is an alt right haven since Trump got elected kiddo