Which ethnic group do you hate and why do you hate them?

2  2017-04-18 by [deleted]



Native americans. PAY TAXES. Come on.

Jews, those kikes whine about white privilege but will destroy the career of anyone that talks about kike privilege. Plus they hold all the power in society.

Puerto Ricans because they are lazy.

You don't like music being played loudly on cellphones on the Brooklyn subway lines?!

All the sicilians I know of are degenerates

Somalians.. we have loads in Britain and they are nasty violent little bastards with weird shaped heads

They came by the truckload to the town I grew up in. Within a year it was a complete crime ridden shit hole. The Somalians were pushing drugs right out of their cabs.

Keep wishing, fella! Ha ha

Yea...I know... :(

All of them. Just because.

All of them. If it ain't white, it ain't right

Muslims. Everything.

The fucking Amish with their bushy snatches

I'm half-Italian. I've spent a lot of time studying my wop cousins in Staten Island, and have come to the conclusion that they are the lowest form of white people. These observations were bolstered by a brief subscription to the Anthony Cumia Network.

Africans. They sounds stupid.

Any type of Asian in a casino may be the worst human beings on the planet.

I like them. They chain smoke and point and laugh when you make a shitty play.

Jews no explanation needed.

Whites because they've turned into a bunch of pussies.

biracial people are the worst especially if they're half white. A lot of resentment with this folks. Just look at the hapas

i absolutely adore that sub. It's like steroids for my self esteem.

Jews no explanation needed

I have a base level of disdain for everyone but no other group compares to Bosnians. They're the worst of every shitty ethnicity rolled into one.

Anyone who speaks Esperanto.

Die like your language did.

When was Esperanto ever a living language?

Shatner made a movie in that language. So it was alive for at least 80 minutes.

Oh, and that reminds me - fuck people who speak Klingon too.

That's not what makes a language a living language. And the movie is called Incubus.

You need to hate a real ethnic group. Since you seem to have a thing about people speaking dead languages just pick Jews.

Awww, I can't hate them, buddy! I'm not an angry goi, and Matza ball soup is too good for a hangova!

But fuck Gifelta fish, I'll hate them for that one.

Indians are by far the filthiest racial group in the world. I lived in an apartment complex full of them and the whole neighborhood smelled like curry. None of them have dogs (unless the are going to eat them) but they all take these creepy walks around dusk like a bunch of zombies. They are comfortable living in shit, piss and trash and their country is covered in it. They live like animals. They make niggers look like Estonians.

Serbians. They started ww1 and the balkan wars
