
0  2017-04-18 by fecesinyourvagina


Today's sperg-tossing, gayer than tongue-kissing with a mouthful of semen, nigger-fueled, tired assed,-- the horse died 3 years ago but we are still beating it--meme's of the day.

  1. Fivver

  2. Patton killed his wife

  3. Sherrod is unfunny

  4. "This subreddit affects lives" -- if you ever said this i hope you are gunned down by a niggorilla on facebook live

  5. "this guy is saying stuff i dont like so lets all take imaginary internet points away from him, that will fucking show him not to mess with us."

REMINDER: death can happen at anytime. why give someone else the power to end your life either by force (please god) or an accident (please god)??? YOU HAVE THE POWER! You can kill yourself. Do it today please.

NOTE: shoutouts to all 'da h8ers' to continue to post on my threads, you're fucking 'killin it' with your comedy stylings. I would say you are a bunch of emo phillips' but he was actually funny, something that a single person on this shithole is incapable of being at anytime....

....Unless of course you unironically killed yourself like david carrodine.

again, fuck off, i hope you die, preferably today, and preferably painfully and violently. But not just you, but your fucking infant children and innocent daughters dying from a cum overdose from being repeatedly raped.



That's pretty violent imagery, Vukmir Vukmir

You can't just take names you've been called, add hyphens, and expect it to make sense. You post like a bot that is trying to talk like us but can't quite pull it off.

The important thing is that you pay attention to us.

Hi Dad!

You didn't call us Reddit-tards or snowflakes, but you might still be joe. Either way, this sub doesn't effect your life, and I hope you don't speak during the people's court.

Wait. So Sherrod IS funny?

Ant, is that you?

Emo Phillips and David Carrodine?

Sweet references, bro.

Proof this is a Cumio. Maybe Dawn typed it out with her horseteeth.

Court date went that bad eh Joe?

Whichever Cumio you are, I eagerly await your family's bankruptcy from the failed Compound Media venture.

Tell us how you really feel!

i hope you get so mad at a post you have an anyrism