Sam thinks of killing himself all the time

57  2017-04-18 by Dennyislife



I think about Sam killing himself all the time too

On air, mid wrestling talk.

The ol' reddit switcharoo got a nigga spittin coffee on the keyboard. Now watch me suck this cock.

this post rules

If the Facebook Live killer were to knock off Sam:
There would be a Faction Talk tribute to Sam, WWE would do a big 10 bell salute for Sam and Jim could guilt SiriusXM into hiring back Anthony to replace Sam.

It's a win for everyone (including Sam who would be more beloved and well known in death than he'll ever be in life).

They'd give Sam the Benoit scrub from all WWE broadcasts when they found out that (like his mentor) his son was conceived via XGames athlete. That's not family friendly like giving birth to a hand or faulty harnessing.

There's no black X Games athletes.

My money is on Kareem Campbell

There's two black skateboarders. Him and that guy who was in the movie Kids who died from smoking too much crack.

He probably puts on a suit, sets up his monitor in the bedroom, plays their entrance video and announces them before he witnesses his wife being bred.

Is a 10 bell salute an actual thing? If so, it might be the gayest actual thing I've ever heard of. Even gayer than gay sex between two gay men in tie dye during Gay Pride at the Stonewall in tie dye with Drake performing Fake Love.

As he should!

Which one is Sam again?

The brack one who eat rike smarr chird.

In my case, eating like a small child means they're getting pleeenty of protein, if you know what I'm saying.

Oh Uncle Paul (remember when Ant used to say "Oh Uncle Paul" Jesus I miss that.)

"Oh Uncle Paul, You're incorrigible"

remember when opie said "encouragable" instead of incorrigible?

Is Opie the black one that has the afternoon show?

No, that Shellod Smarr ( ilonic name cause he fat ). He arways raughing rike animation chalactel.

Hey Knickers, Nice to hear from you, pal. Beings that youre a chinaman, whats your opinion on Cumias chinese impression? I for one love it.

He lacist

Oh Uncle Paul, You're incorrigible.

"Yeah, they got lax child protection laws in Corrigible! heh heh

  • Uncle Chip

You do the worst "Scooby Doo" impersonation that I've ever seen.

The original D-bag

Let's just hope that when he goes through with it he doesn't pull a Benoi t in the process.

He doesn't have any sort of weight lifting equipment

He will never be the man I am.

The man I AM, you poser piece of shit. Come 'ere so I can strangle you like my derpy son.

Let's touch dicks.


Opie drove two producers to suicide.


As well as Darian O'toole, if I'm not mistaken.

She died from a blood clot I think.

She was also an alkie and crazy as shit, which might have something to do with it

Did Sam actually say that?

I would also like to know this.

Somebody would have to actually listen to this dreck.

If Justin Stangel can keep going so can I

Best thing for his wife and child, really.

Suicide for Sam 2017!

Aww, I liked Sam as an intern/producer, he just sucks on his own or as a co-host. I feel like his life is similarly dull to Jimmy's though. Probably doesn't sleep much, doesn't drink or do any drugs, doesn't seem have any real interests or hobbies besides wrestling and radio, doesn't enjoy eating actual real food.

TL;DR Sam, stop being a spoiled helicopter babyboy manchild and take some risks not that you've unwisely reproduced, to the detriment of humanity.

I doubt it's a moral stance thing. Sam is just prissy, stubborn, childish, and close-minded.

Sam thinks that any amount of alcohol will change his behavior and wants to be fully "in control" at all times.

Except at Opies wedding. Then suddenly a champagne is OK.

Watching wrestling is gay. Getting drunk while watching wrestling is approximately 95% less gay though. Shit, you can justify a lot of childish things like a night spent playing Mario kart or a board game night if you simply add alcohol to the equation.

I think he does it to be special.

Hey gaiz, I've never been drunk. Isn't I so unique?

The only guy I've ever known like (besides people I know in recovery),is one guy who was really religious and wouldn't have deserts with alcohol I'm them etc. I'm not sure what he thought would happen.

Sam doesn't seem to be either one, so I always thought that was weird too.

He's scared of the bitter, burny tastes of alcohol as any prepubescent child addicted to gushers, capri sun and chicken nugget dinosaurs would be.

Sam's one of these Smarmy fucks who would rather stand around laughing and being a smartass to the people who are drunk having a good time..

Ironically, the day after Jim and Sam commit double suicide would be their most entertaining show.

He should see Rich Vos live. That'll fix him up good.

I hear he'll be at Uncle Vinnie's April 28-29.

Did Jim & Sam just give D-bag shit for not telling him he was leaving until the last minute? HAHAHAHAHA!!! Those two snakes plotted to take the morning show from the guy who gave them jobs and didn't say shit about it for a year. Be a gangster if you want, but don't knock D-bag for being way less of a cumrag than your sneaky selves.

Nah Opie lost the morning show for being awful at radio

Hey there captain obvious. Did you want to tell us all it's Tuesday?

Its Tuesday

Good girl. Now roll over.

like nike said "Just Do It."

Looks like Sam has learned equally well from the Opie school of self-pity and the Jim Norton school of put on edginess.

Oooo, I like that. Astute!

That's some good detective work, Inspector.

Thanks man. Makes me feel good.

I remember when this sub used to post clips of what they were referring to, so we didn't have to listen to an entire episode of these shitshows like some asshole

I don't think anyone in this thread knows what specifically OP is referring to, I'm just assuming Sam was being an emo bitch on J&S and went with that.


Sewercide seems to be epidemic among former O & A staffers ....

Who doesn't?

Who doesn't?

Postpartum depressin?

To be fair, didn't Bob Kelly try to fuck him for a while there?

Sam is a go getter, I am sure he can make that dream a reality.

heavenly father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...

I think he just hates being an adult. Big boy has to grow up. But if I had hair like him, I would think about it everyday.

TL;DR Sam, stop being a spoiled helicopter babyboy manchild and take some risks not that you've unwisely reproduced, to the detriment of humanity.

I would also like to know this.

I doubt it's a moral stance thing. Sam is just prissy, stubborn, childish, and close-minded.

Somebody would have to actually listen to this dreck.

Sam thinks that any amount of alcohol will change his behavior and wants to be fully "in control" at all times.

Except at Opies wedding. Then suddenly a champagne is OK.

Watching wrestling is gay. Getting drunk while watching wrestling is approximately 95% less gay though. Shit, you can justify a lot of childish things like a night spent playing Mario kart or a board game night if you simply add alcohol to the equation.

I think he does it to be special.

Hey gaiz, I've never been drunk. Isn't I so unique?

The only guy I've ever known like (besides people I know in recovery),is one guy who was really religious and wouldn't have deserts with alcohol I'm them etc. I'm not sure what he thought would happen.

Sam doesn't seem to be either one, so I always thought that was weird too.

He's scared of the bitter, burny tastes of alcohol as any prepubescent child addicted to gushers, capri sun and chicken nugget dinosaurs would be.

Sam's one of these Smarmy fucks who would rather stand around laughing and being a smartass to the people who are drunk having a good time..