What we learned from episode 2 of chip's podacast..

1  2017-04-18 by Ona75

Chip revealed that Uncle Paul is his uncle. Since his father was not around, can we assume that Uncle Paul and Delores Chipperson are brother and sister ? Delores Hargis?


You know what would be a good medium to tell the back story of chipperson? Animation

If only there were some money to fund it.

I was thinking something like a joint effort, instead of letting some jiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz boi in a suit taking control of such a project, everyone should pool in their money and let Jim has the freedom to create what he wants, we can all be our own boss

I was thinking the same thing. I would imagine that if Jim had a way to get, maybe, as a rough estimate, $60,000, he could get it done. I am thinking if someone messages him with the idea of an indie-gogo-type of crowd-funding he may think about it. Although, Jim Norton is not the type of guy who would ever crowd-source funding. However, if he did, I am willing to wager that any perks offered and the actual product would be done and delivered as quick as possible.

No it wouldn't

I learned that it will have a very short shelf life.