Opie Radio - Waka Flocka, DJ WhooKid, Sherrod Small, The Mad Cuban (04/17/2017)

1  2017-04-18 by unreal305


How funny is it that Opie is legitimately having the time of his life and Jim Norton does he Jim & Sam show? Opie is awful. However, Jim & Sam having a terrible show makes me laugh. Fuck then and all of you who think the show is even slightly listenable.

That's the truth of it. It's all gone to shit. One spark of hope, maybe, is the Chip podacast. Anthony knows how to interact with Chip and there were some funny moments in the first two episodes. And the killer theme song fits Chip perfectly.

You wanna fuck me

He's too bitter to be having "the time of his life." The guy is full of resentment at everybody but those three guys he pays to fake laugh at his jokes.

Honestly, I know I'm going to get ripped on for this, but I saw waka and DJ whoo kid at Okeechobee music festival this year and it was rad as fuck.

They both still suck in the radio though.