Doug Stanhope

5  2017-04-17 by Virginia_Beach

I'm here. He's in VA Beach. Discuss.


Doug who?

The guy who inspired Dassabessdo.

Saw him a week or two back. He's still great

He's vert talented but he's no Jimmy Morton. That fellow is always on the cutting edge of jokes about sexual confusion and men who tuck their penis away at night.

Is that the same Doug Stanhope who runs a cult in the desert?

Yes, and fucks a chick named bingo.

They don't really fuck though they just do a lot of blow and xanax while boozing.

Is that you mike Brenda?

How was the show?

He was okay. Had a few laughs, but his set was, from I can tell, in its infancy. He rambling with no real direction. It was cool to see him, though, since he doesn't tour all that much.

Wish i could have seen him 10 years ago. You can tell the alcohol and drug use has gotten to him lately.