Amy Schumer's video of joke theift is TRENDING ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!

90  2017-04-17 by sarahemmingway

HAHAHA now eveyone knows she sucks and only got to where she is at because of her famous family name........


Damn, number 45 though and below a video with 10k views licking Elizabeth warrens clit

dont bad mouth Pocahontas like that. Ill make it rain on your house for many moons

I hate that lying commie cunt.

Where are you seeing it where they show it up to 45?

Looks like they removed it. Gotta make some more room for videos with no views to be on trending

I think it's gotten on there, then been pulled a few times already. It had enough views in the first day to be at least in the top 20.

Had the same problem with the first one.

That last one I did had enough views to be on the trending page, but wasn't.

I meant is there something like a different page to see everything that's trending, mine stops at like 15 videos.

Hey brother do you have enough materials to make part two

I mean, no.

I've already made 4 videos, these are all of the examples that are known of at this time.

625k views? Damn. It will break a million if it trends.

One of ya'll create this one? If so we demand you spend $5 of ad money to pay more immigrants on fivrr to entertain us.

Damn those alt right trolls!


" because of her famous family name"

That famous family member of hers wanted no part of Amys life until she got famous on her known. She even talked about how she only ever met Chuck once.

Chuck has no family allegiance.

was he the one who saved her from prison or whatever, when she was caught shoplifting?

iarc she said that family member saved her in court.

She was obviously lying, jerk off

It's like giving an ape a machine gun huh

⚾️ American

Im going to tug my peckah soo hard! 1!!1!

That Ellen one was heinous.