Go to Anthony Cumio's twitter right now

3  2017-04-17 by TonyFromLongIsland

And go back and forth between the latest four pictures. Enjoy.


yea im too lazy to type in twitter and find this so im just going say you're a faggot and call it a day, no offense.

None taken, bro! Here's a link to the nigger's twitter. https://twitter.com/AnthonyCumia

You're a helpful boy.

I guess the meds aren't working, what's the significance of this link you put up, if u wouldn't mind?

The significance is that your mother's cunt smells like oranges.

Language please! Seems a bit uncalled for, I was just hoping to understand the joke or insult.

Forgive me I thought you were attacking me and lashed out accordingly.

Shame for no link but evidence of two things:

  1. She doesn't have her own job, so it's the money thing again. "Be my personal assistant"

  2. She has what the Japanese call "Sanpaku" You can see the whites above her eyes, meaning she is bat shit crazy.

I have sanpaku eyes. There is a good couple centimeters of visible white below my Iris. I'm not crazy, words hurt fella.

below the eye is much different IMO...and it's the Japanese's thing, so take it up with them

Im just glad to see he's finally clean and sober, by the grace of god, and not repeating the same mistakes that have troubled him in the past!

Her hands look very bite-able.

I got blocked before he even got fired. Are we able to see what you're talking about?

http://imgur.com/LAElCtZ It only works if you go back and forth between the pics though.

I stink.