Tell us one thing you like outside of the O&A universe

9  2017-04-17 by I-take-beast-shits

Most of us hate just about everything that exists within the O&A world today.

My question for you is this - what are some of the simple pleasures a kind gentle soul like yourself enjoys on this fine planet of ours?


my dog

what kind of dog is it, and what's it's name

Boston Terrier, 11 months old name is Buzz. He's such a good boy even though he pissed on the carpet yesterday

take him outside more often?

when it's raining sometimes he thinks he can break the rules and piss inside. He doesn't like to get wet. Bath time is traumatic for him.

did you name it after ant's first fuck?

please kill me.

Only appropriate since it was xaway's first fuck too.

Second dude what do ya think I am, new?

a schnoodle, awlroight

Furiously masturbating.

no no, he said outside of the O&A universe.

Gardening. Both indoor and outdoor

don't take this the wrong way, but for some reason I picture a metallica t-shirt pulling up tight as your asscrack sticks out each time you bend over to pull weeds.

No sorry, Pretty in shape, nice tan from the weekend, and a beautiful smile.

What's the pH of your soil fella?

Using soil in 2017?

I only grow Chia pets


league of legends, poker and drugs

ya, good call on the drugs

Masturbating to/watching Japanese cartoons and oxycotin.

Anime 24 7

That scene in Scrooged where Murray does the Burton impression for the chick from the Goonies.

Lambs being turned into lamb chops.

The parallel ridges on either side of Bryan Cranston's mouth.

Being creepy to women online.

The look of shame on my crush's face when I caught her farting in gym class.


playing soccer (eurofag) , driving bike and similar activities.

you have the hobbies of a prebuecent boy

that would be according to USA standards I guess.

here those are perfectly normal hobbies for adult men.

we also like putting fingers in each others assess after a good soccer game if we win - not gay at all , just a sign of appreciation for good team work.

I assume in USA we would be called faggs for doing it.

everyday you learn something new I guess, ehh.

TIL about euro soccer fags and their not at all gay way of showing appreciation for a game well played.

Any chance you guys could replace "fingers" with "loaded assault rifles"?

Thanks in advance.

we though of it but assault rifles are no-no in most of eurofag countries (not all though) - but pistols are quite available.

would pistols be good enough for this purpose, though ?

I can suggest and see if my totally not gay friends agree.

I like to read, ride my bike, volunteer at a food pantry for those in need, take my dog for walks, watch some TV in the evening, experiment when I try to cook and hit yard sales now and then.


Pistols would be an acceptable substitute. Excellent work.

I like to feel the scruff of a tranny's 5 o'clock shadow just grazing my cock ever so delicately before the whiskers hit my asshole. And I like golf.

I spend a lot of time working on jokes for this sub.

Most of the time I keep my head on a swivel

'lotta sharks out there...


Nothing and that's fucking sad.

Bejeweled 3

The avengers, snl, harry potter, beyonce, pizza, the oxford comma, #notmypresident


Fucking other broads that aren't my wife

Cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish.

Sleeping, reading, plotting revenge.

deadmau5, techno, soccer, alcohol, pornography.

Lifting weights, weed, black mirror.

Heavy drinking was my #1 pasttime but I quit so now I'm just jelqing to Modern Family reruns when I get home from work.