The IRS cucked me

7  2017-04-17 by unclepaul84

They literally starting having sex with my bank account while I sat there powerless. I've never felt like such a cuck before. :(

To clarify: They didn't literally take money out of my account. But the checks I'm sending out make it a cuckable offense.


damn how did that happen?

yeah thats what they do

why are you suprised

how old in the account can you get them for child molestation?


Same here. Now when I get money at an ATM, all the bills are stuck together

two things you never, ever mess with: Kratom and the IRS.

Got to pay your taxes or hire a Jew

If the IRS is in collections on him, it's too late for jews (lawyers). This is blood from a stone time - if the cash in his account doesn't cover the whole bill, they'll garnish his wages, and if it's enough still owed, start taking cars, recreational vehicles, even houses.

He had plenty of chances to pay. They probably sent him a bill every month for a year. They give you TONS of time to send in a check, or sign up for payments. He ignored it all.

If the OP is smart, he'd go get a bank loan to cover the debt, before this wrecks his credit, and get the garnishments and collections off his back, and pay off the loan with better interest rates.

But seeing as he let it get this far, he won't. And we'll all laugh when he posts that they took his car.

Well, I ain't co-signing shut for any of you faggots

What about the horse with a clock in it's stomach?

They shoved their complex forms and greedy hands into my bottom, rooted around, and collected 39% of my dignity.

You know that a good portion of that money will go to Trump's "defense" budget so he can wave his dick at the rest of the world. America is drunk and in full-on "do sumptin, I dare ya faggott!" mode. The rest will go to unemployed BBCs to buy new Jordans and Iphones, and they will eventually fuck your wife :(

Hell, you got the whole thing figured out. That's a sad story. That. That. That. That.

I'd honestly prefer if America went out with a bang while we still have the best military in the world, instead of slowly fading into obscurity. We have more aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined and Russia's best submarines are the shit we built in the 80's. People argue ground troops and tanks like it's a factor. We have better ships and planes than anyone and enough bombs stock-piled to destroy the earth with out ever using a nuke. America really is that huge drunk guy at the bar talking shit where you think "What a douche! I mean I'm not gonna do anything about him, but someone should"

Well we could cut the military budget to zero(besides salary) and stay the number one military for at lest a decade so I don't think we are gonna fade into obscurity just yet.

Well beyond salary, there's really high operating costs to maintan $5 billion ships, and $40 million aircraft... But I get your point, if we cut off all funding for new technology we'd still probably be the best for a decade at least.

Yes that what I meant. Russia is sliding down from the two spot and China is on the come up but China is very far behind us.

They don't have a blue water navy yet, their sub fleet is laughable they are the only "superpower" to not make their own carrier, they buy 1 Russian jet like the su-30 and reverse engineer monkey models out of them and they are incapable of maintaining a supply line if they do not have a direct land route or complete naval dominance which is not likely unless they take on Afghanistan or something.

China has aways to go.

It's safe to say that America hasn't revealed anything close to their "Best" fighter/bomber tecnology yet, and why would they? The stealth series they built in the 80's is better than anyone else has, and more than effective for fighting our current wars, so why would they "show their hand" as far as shit they've developed in the last 25 years until someone poses a threat to the old shit?

I have severe autism for military equipment especially jets so I apologise if this bores you.

But what you see today was technically invented in the 80s but they are constantly upgraded, fighter jet generations generally last very long because you keep the airframe but upgrade the missiles and internals. Russia does this as well, their newest planes are just upgraded su-27s which are first seen in the 80's.

What makes our planes the best is our missile tech, the f22 and f35 can engage targets many kms before Russian jets with current missile tech. Russia's next gen jet the pak-50 looks to have great stealth tech but Russian missile tech is garbage so it's no threat.

We might even have a mock up built of the next gen after the f35 already but we won't see any testing or production till 2040 because of fighter gen life cycle length.

Oh I dont doubt your knowledge or at least intrigue into fighter technology, I have a similar interest in all things military (not specifically planes). The only thing I would disagree with you on is the idea that we don't already have a "next gen" platform already in a testing phase that could be rolled out to production pretty rapidly if need be. My point was our current platform, as you pointed out, is upgradable enough that no one can really threaten it, so it wouldnt be cost/strategically effective to rush the new shit if the current shit is more than "adequate". When it comes to optics, night-vision/infared, America dominates everyone, there is seriously no place to hide, if you watch AC-130 gunship footage, or Apache footage, it's seriously not even fair.

Yeah for sure they have the airframes built and probably have air tested them but they are just future proofing concepts at this point waiting for engine and radar tech to catch up. And if need be they would most likely stick with current gen airframes if war kicked off. It better to be able to pump out 25 f35s a month that let's say for arguments sake has a 3:1 kill ratio than to make 10 f-?? that has a 5:1 kill ratio.

WW2 was a special case with the constant replacements because we were on the cusp of tech that would make the old models completely obsolete.

Ant and Joe are not talking on the phone anymore?

I don't know, mate .... Those General Tso Chicken-class minesweepers are the demons of the high seas!

who pays tax nowadays? what a loser

If they got a judge to allow them to empty your bank account, that means you ignored a lot of letters telling you this was gonna happen.


They didn't cuck you - you cucked yourself.

When I made $800 a paycheck, the government took out $150. Now, if I make $2000+, they take out $700. I made $3300 in one paycheck and they took out $1200.

Where is all of this money going?

The yearly nearly trillion dollar DoD budget. Those $200 hammers are taken care of so you can sleep at night.

To clarify: They didn't literally take money out of my account. But the large checks I'm sending out make it a cuckable offense

Me too! fml

I stumbled over a business where each section has a larger deduction than the income. I've found a literal tax free business. It's not in the US btw

The yearly nearly trillion dollar DoD budget. Those $200 hammers are taken care of so you can sleep at night.