Hollywood Is Losing the Battle Against Online Trolls

0  2017-04-17 by BrianGilgoresDJ


yeah while hollywood is making billlions, online trolls are literally making trillions.

This wouldn't be an issue if the trolls up voted 5 stars. They would consider it a successful venture and not question 100,000 5 star ratings.

Yeah, it really has to all be about the trolls, probably of the alt-right variety. It couldn't at all be about the fact that hollywood packages turd after turd and sells this stupid shit to us every fucking Friday. It couldn't at all be about the fact that your movies are stale and banal and fucking boring. But sure, blame the trolls. Fucking morons.

Tired of Armenian genocide movie after Armenian genocide movie, are ya pal?

Oh god, you again

Did you read the article? You used the word 'banal' and you're going to act like I'm objectionable? Metabombing is a troll thing man, there's no two ways around it. You might think it's righteous but it's pure troll shit.

When the right does it, that is. When the left does it, it's dignified and fair. There would be no fucking way Amy Schumer's special, Ghostbusters and half of these superhero/shoot-em-up/alien-cowboy movies would ever rate higher than a 2 star and changing things to a thumbs up system won't cover up the fact that these movies are all turds.

Well we'll never know because the trolls cant keep it in their pants long enough to let shit sink. A 1 star schumer special makes people go 'hmm, that cant be right, somethings wrong here,' a 2.5 star unmanipulated rating would make people go 'oh lets not watch that I'll bet it sucks.'

oh, my naive aprosbro

Every fucking time before social media companies could just tell you shit was good and people bought it cuz there was no opposition, except for maybe some critics that could be paid off. Now these walled off shitheads are seeing the truth of what people think

Exactly, Hollywood can't fathom how much the rest of the country despises them, so they have to create online boogeymen to explain away their failures.

Also, I hate how much "troll" has become a scapegoat word for people in general, before it was "haters" and now it's trolls.

These people just need to look in a mirror and say, "Maybe I actually just fucking suck."

The article is specifically about targeted campaigns, like the one against "The Promise" on IMDB, or the one against that Call of Duty trailer. There are cases where it happens.

Someone should let Turkey know that everyone in the world has access to the Internet and can easily verify the historical accuracy of the Armenian Genocide. You Turkish faggots just look silly still denying it

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot)

The online campaign against The Promise appears to have originated on sites like Incisozluk, a Turkish version of 4chan, where there were calls for users to "Downvote" the film's ratings on IMDb and YouTube.

A rough translation of one post: "Guys, Hollywood is filming a big movie about the so-called Armenian genocide and the trailer has already been watched 700k times. We need to do something urgently." Soon afterward, the user gleefully noted The Promise's average IMDb rating had reached a dismaying 1.8 stars.

On IMDb, The Promise now has an average of 4.2 stars thanks to more than 35,000 10-star ratings that have been left by supporters of the film to counter the more than 60,000 one-star ratings.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Theory | Feedback | Top keywords: rating#1 Film#2 IMDb#3 Promise#4 Star#5

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~ A_Friendly_Creeper

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It's impossible to say whether they made an impact on the box office, but in the end, Ghostbusters lost an estimated $70 million.

Nowhere does the article state the movie was a steaming ball of shit, and that might have had something to do with it.

they dont consider for 1 second, that a genuine portion of the populous just thinks it stinks, & when so-called 'trolls' show a way to express displeasure with 1 click, those in agreement do so. Politics doesn't come into this any more than it does with traditional viewing.

Cenk Uygur, comment?

Did you read the article? You used the word 'banal' and you're going to act like I'm objectionable? Metabombing is a troll thing man, there's no two ways around it. You might think it's righteous but it's pure troll shit.