How was everybody's weekend?

2  2017-04-17 by BrianGilgoresDJ

I just sat around watching movies and drinking


watcha watch? watcha drink? ... i saw Logan (overrated) and i watched the original version of ghost in the shell (really overrated)

I wish there would actually be more than a handful of good films a year. Stupid people are what drive Hollywood's stupidity with filmmaking.

Went and saw Trainspotting 2 which was surprisingly really good. Also watched some forgettable shit on Netflix and a bunch of classic Simpsons episodes

i will check out trainspotting 2 when thers a HDRip on the web ... simpsons between season 5 through about 12 or 13 is classic

Also saw that in theaters. Good enough to rewatch at a later date.

I use the ghost in the shell soundtrack to fall asleep to after a heavy night of drinking

i didn't mind the synth kinda tangerine dream style stuff ... but why do people think that, even in 1995, that was unique or original; its not particularly high concept either and there was slim to no sexuality or violence

I watched it the other day too, what fucking boring garbage

everyone who knew about it called the original "genre defining," and so I will never see another one, cause manga must all be even more superficial and unsatisfying ... I hope the live action one is 100% different and the fan-boy fags kill themselves over it

I watched it because I like the city design and all that, but what's with all that mumbling about nothing

Spent time with my racist family and drank beer

Your related to the Cumia's?

No, my family is actually white

Washed my car and drank.

Got my heart broken, saw Trainspotting 2, barely ate, constantly drank, heavly considered an-heroing.

Dont do it, mang

How was the movie?

A bit disappointed. Thought the first was mules better.

Saw norm standup. 9.8/10.

I wanted to go to that show but couldn't afford the travel. How was it? Let me live vicariously through you

Aside from him looking very old, he "knocked it out of the park." Dude walked out with two red bulls and untied shoes. Lucky for you he has a netflix special coming out on May 8.

I did 60 mgs of morphine and now my head hurts and i can't poo

Drink water and take a magnesium supplement

Drink water and take a magnesium supplement

A bit disappointed. Thought the first was mules better.

I watched it because I like the city design and all that, but what's with all that mumbling about nothing