What the fuck is happening to this website?

1  2017-04-16 by jenseitsderkeller


Top comments:

The warm is appreciated by the coldblooded lizard friend!

Warm is a powerful bond

i churn for interspecies friendships

Is this becoming a website for tired stay-at-home moms?


Wait...Reddit isn't an opie and anthony message board?

Apparently there are other subreddits out there. Same people who claim that also say the world is a globe hahaha

Same people who claim that also say the world is a globe

nobody says that faggot.

you are just trying to start a conspiracy that you pulled out of your ass.

Jump in the air and see where you land.

Are you now 200 feet from where you were? Hmmm, fucking dumb ass round-earthers think people will just fall for that 7000mph horseshit

Sometimes you pay mind to the house you are living in.

Wait what is this subreddit? I came from the x post bot

a lot of censorship the past 2 years aganist trump supporting subreddits has failed and after the election liberal shill groups have flooded the place with bots. beyond that a lot of the powerusers who would find good content pretty much all left and now only the idiots are left making the posts and upvoting all the posts so now we are where we are right now.

It's not just about you, Sil.

I like cute 🐱 cat

This site would be so much better if you had to post using your real pictures. So I can visualize what the person I want to die looks like.