Anthony Cumio introduces his new 7 (not her age)

47  2017-04-16 by ricswrangler


That's a fake smile.

gun to her back?

Teeth in her back.

it cannot hide the defeat in her eyes

She has the face of a sea turtle.

Wow lol she really does... the one from Finding Nemo comes to mind.

and she just washed up on a seedy Tunisian beach.

All she needs is the dress.

I love how all these pics from the very initial phase of Ant's relationships show them drinking glasses of wine and eventually devolve into cheap beer and pills.

She probably weighs 120 pounds and this piece of garbage is getting her intoxicated and providing video games to lure her in. Typical pedophile behaviors.

Next step: pushing tootsie rolls through the elementary school fence.

How long till the biting starts?

Clearly a Tranny. It's like he gave up trying to hide it. Grotesque.

im back on board

7's about right... at the moment. After she gets a habit and angry red blisters that number will go down significantly.

This woman has to pick gray pubes out of her teeth, let that sink in

I was under the assumption those were relocated to his scalp?

They're individually picked follicles from her teeth

Why are her teeth sunken so far in her head?

She drank from the wrong mule. Its supposed to be the dick of a carpenter

Very masculine bone structure. I'm guessing she's barely started using hormones.


In Scranton PA she's a 7, in New York... a solid 3

I can't get over that PC setup.

I like her straight teeth

Nice smooth philtrum and thin upper lip.

She was a lush as a fetus, but has it under control now.

So when is one of you autists gonna track her down and find out who she is?

It's Missy the one who took his credit card and trashed his place a few years ago.

This idiot is a blessing.. he will never learn

Is she the one who stole a fancy camera lens from him, and smooshed his keys into cat shit?


He let the cat shit chick back in his house? Dude deserves whatever he gets on this one.

He really is desperate for female companionship, anything to make him look straight.

Think about that. She robbed him and fucked up his property. Instead of getting her arrested he welcomed her back with open arms.

If only his father hadn't have had him abused by Buzz and made it known he would hate him if Anthony openly slurped cock, AC the AC repairman would be a happy gay man.

If this is true, he deserves to lose everything.

Do you know her last name?

They call her Missy "Misdemeanor".

Let's be real here, getting back with a jilted love who ripped you off is still a notch above a whacko who fakes getting injured, and blaming little children for shit they didn't do.

Somewhere, deep within the California State Prison system, Phil Spector is shaking his head.

...or did they take all of Ant's guns off him?

Maybe it's an homage.

(Ant loves "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", and Phil Spector killed one of the actresses.)

Who is dis bitch?

This is the best Tranth has done in years, he must be shelling out big bucks for this slit.

He's had her before/

You guys think that ceiling is tall enough for a War of the Roses style finale?

Are you planning on pretending to send him flowers while this girl listens on the phone?

Does this one have a penis?

He has a computer screen on, a TV screen on, and his phone on. He's worse than severely autistic children with tech.

niggas just tryna play some rocket league with his girl, i ain't hatin

Rocket League is the shit, though.

Is that his niece?

So hes posting pictures of his "girl" that hes admitted is stealing shit from him. Hes become the grandfather that buys a reverse mortgage just because he wanted to hear a pretty girl's voice on the phone.

Wait a new girl is stealing shit from him? Why can't this nigger keep his white girls under control?

This girl stole his credit card. He then dated Dani who he was yelling at about stealing in one of her insane video posts. Now hes back with the credit card thief.

The kind of girl who would fuck a colored isn't right in the head to begin with so it's no surprise.

So she's the cat shit girl from his Jaws themed Halloween party? I thought he called the cops on her for stealing a camera. I'm lost.

Same one i believe

That's incredibly sad that you know and remember this. I spend hours perfecting verbatims of Opie's illiteracy.

His old fuckbuddy he got arrested for stealing his film equipment and Cards was called Missy.

Does she fuck his black ass with that schlong nose?

She aight.

Hit it and quit it.

Those aesthetic columns are infuriating. They don't even look good. Fuck Ant and his "McMansion"

(That being said it is a lovely home and I'd drown my first born in muriatic acid to own it)

Muriatic? What field are you in that you call HCl muriatic acid?

It's a classic Tony Soprano type house. And in that town, property/school taxes are probably over $25k/year, so he won't be there too much longer as the income dries up.

I have those columns in my house...

Did you enter code compoundmedia at Discount Antebellum Interiors?

Did they come free with your Smokin' Aces DVD?

Did you buy a foreclosure from Silkk The Shocker?


I did the last thing.

Columns and rows what are you a excel spreadsheet or sumpthin


Why is Ant still posting stuff like this? He's 58 years old but posts on social media like a teenager: "yes I hang out with a girl! See!"

And why would he expose any "girl" that he cares about to any online community that will seek to mock her. Like putting Dani on CQ's lap in one of those early basement shows...and introducing her as a "comedian friend".

He wants the world to believe he isn't into penis.

Older, tho

why is she so excited to be sitting on a couch with a 63 year old

at what point do u blame the women for opting into this despite knowing the evidence?

The moment you realize that she has two working eyes

A 60 year old with a gaming keyboard, lol!

This is gonna end very bad, which is great for us. I guessing double homicide. Only question is who will do the killing?

Better than he has been doing lately.

Money helps.

Looks like the model house from Arrested Development.

Which niece is this?

isnt she the catshit girl?

Hey OP, this is a Long Island 7. She's a Brooklyn 5 and a Manhattan 2.

Isn't hanging out with other known felons against his probation?

A millionaire could do better.

She was interviewed when Anth was on Bob Kelly's podcast

Cool, thanks for two hours of video that I'm not going through for a 90 second bit.

Although the idea of Anthony drunk between two blacks while visibly itching from withdrawals/inherent racism is almost enough to make me watch.

Also, who the FUCK decided it was a great idea to have seven live mics at once? What an indiscernible, jumbled mess.

That's a young man with long hair.

Only choices left, go back to a jilted love who stole from you, or back to an ex who blew a guy for a radio bit.

Why does he volunteer these pictures at this stage? He knows this will lead to her online presence getting combed over mocked, does she know that?

He craves the attention

She looks like that blonde who went on the date with Bobo.

As a man, I can't imagine pulling out my phone to take a picture of a woman just to prove I hang out with them.

I'm getting douche chills just thinking of it.

This woman has to place her lips firmly on Ant's zits

Righteous!!! Righteous!!!

Subtract 2 from your assessment.

Decorative columns is the hallmark of guido LI white trash that somehow fell into some money.

She looks a little old for him

The reality show that some channel was shooting of Ant, then shelved when he got busted would of been beautiful. I so wish they'd played though. Look at this picture, it fucking beautiful. Long island white trash in a cheesy McMansion. He entire life revolving around his living room coffee table. What type of ADD sicko needs simulation in such quantity? Video game, TV, Twitter and a fuck toy, thats seen better days, all at once. But more intriguing, what type of psychotic, past prime coke whore pretended to enjoy playing WW1 video games till sunrise and what hell will be released when she finally snaps.

It's either would HAVE or would'VE, but never would OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

It's Ant in a blonde wig.

Is 7 her IQ? Cause this turtle headed thot is a 5 at best. Even that scarecrow brain Dani was better. Weak chinned cunt, I can't wait to see her pulled out of her shell and crying on Scope.

Its OK Anthony, we DO believe you've got a girl to join you in ur big house. Lovely blonde hair, why she dye the roots black?

Nice dog vomit colored walls, cunt.

"Baby, you stole my heart"

She can't find a Black man her age?

I was under the assumption those were relocated to his scalp?

Why are her teeth sunken so far in her head?