Reminder: Jim Norton is an adorable rascal who stored away his stolen $60,000 like a squirrel stockpiling chestnuts for winter

72  2017-04-16 by Crownenberg


Yet still found a show for peaceful hibernation. Nice try with the hate though.

I agree

That 60k is dispersed throughout NYC in the hands of questionably gendered sex workers.

Nah. It all went to one place. BMW of Manhattan and right to a garage near Jenny Carm's apartment.

What's wrong with a lass in a dress with an extra gift underneath?

That's become my new favorite part of this...whenever someone does manage to pin him down and get an answer out of him he responds with something like, "All the money is still here, it's all accounted for!".

I've never watched Shark Tank but I assume people go on there to ask for money that they can put into their account and hold indefinitely just in case a good idea strikes them years later?

Jimmy the 'lil fugitive

Reminds of The Fugitive bit from Jocktober.

didn't realize it had been over a year at this point.

yeah, I'm thinking that cartoon is never getting made, but I'd like to be proven wrong.

He hasnt even started the process, if he had I'm sure he'd make the people who handed him charity aware of it.

IF, I said IF you've got faith in a project, you'll commit every last penny, Jimmy knew it was to impress JennyCnt. ps she's awful

Do you think she ever slept with him?

Maybe for $60k.

I'm glad he took that money from you queers

I'm pumped for the second episode of his podacast. Worth every penny of those 60k clams.

He's clearly trying to make the money he spent back.

I'm going to send him money

Rather send him dick pics.


Fuck the cartoon, it should be used for Live action movie

You know, I get the feeling Jim never intended to follow through with that Chip Chipperson cartoon at all. I think he might have been intentionally trying to bilk his more gullible fans. That's just my two cents. Take if for what it's worth.